Become a ccNSO Councillor

The ccNSO Council is comprised of eighteen Council members in total. Fifteen are appointed by the ccNSO members and three Councillors are selected by ICANN's Nominating Committee.

The 15 ccNSO Councillors selected by the ccNSO members represent ICANN's five geographic regions, with three Councillors representing each region. All Councillors are appointed for a three-year term and can be re-appointed after conclusion of their term.

Nominations to the ccNSO Council take place every year. The members of the ccNSO in each geographic region appoint one candidate for that region.

If you wish to be part of the ccNSO Council, you need to be nominated and seconded by a ccNSO member registry in the region you wish to represent. You can also nominate yourself; however, you must be seconded by a ccNSO member registry from your region.

Only ccNSO members can nominate and second candidates and appoint a Councillor from their region.

Three seats of the ccNSO are filled by the Nominating Committee; one seat per year needs to be renewed. The NomCom is striving for filling these seats with people from other business-perspectives than ccTLDs. Should you wish for the NomCom to consider your candidacy, please visit the NomCom page.