DNS Abuse Standing Committee (DASC)


Documents, meeting recordings, and additional information of the Committee can be found on its wiki space


The ccNSO DNS Abuse Standing Committee (DASC) is intended to maintain a dedicated forum for ccTLD Managers to discuss the important topic of DNS Abuse and to share information, insights, and practices. It is primarily aimed at ccTLD Managers who participate within the ICANN community but is not limited to ccNSO members. Participation is purely voluntary.In keeping with the nature of the ccNSO, the purpose of the Committee is not to formulate any policy or standards, recognising that policy development in this area is out of scope of the ccNSO policy remit. The overarching purpose is to raise understanding and awareness of the issues pertaining to DNS Abuse, promote open and constructive dialogue, and ultimately to assist ccTLD Managers in their efforts to mitigate the impact of DNS Abuse. In undertaking its activities, the Committee is not mandated,nor shall it act as a representative of nor act on behalf of the ccNSO, ccNSO Membership, ccNSO Council or individual ccTLD Managers collectively or individually.


  • Simon Balthazar .tz
  • Brett Carr .uk
  • Olga Cavalli, NomCom appointed Councillor
  • Chris Disspain .uk
  • Adam Eisner .ca
  • Fernando España .us
  • Miguel Andrés Franco .co
  • Jordi Iparraguirre .eu
  • Ahmed Landi .ke
  • Diego Ernesto Luna .co
  • Angela Matlapeng .bw
  • Ann-Cathrin Marcussen .no
  • David McAuley .cc
  • Bruce Tonkin .au
  • Mary Uduma .ng
  • Nick Wenban-Smith .uk
  • Xuebiao Yuchi .cn
  • Barbara Pearse .nz

ccTLD DNS Abuse survey – 2022 edition

DASC Repository