Council Decisions and Resolutions

2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014


Date Topic Resolutions and Decisions
15 December 2022 Nomination report


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED to adopt the Nomination Report, which concludes the 2023 Board Seat 11 ccNSO nomination process. The Chair is requested to inform the ECA and ICANN secretariat of the nomination of Patricio Poblete (NIC Chile) as candidate for Board Seat 11 to take his Seat at the end of the 2023 AGM. This decision becomes effective immediately upon publication. The ccNSO Council thanks Joke Braeken for her work as Nomination Process Manager.

15 December 2022 appointment – excellence award


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO appoint the following two Councilors Olga Cavalli and Pablo Roguez as ccNSO appointed members of the ICANN Excellence Award Panel. The secretariat is requested to inform relevant ICANN staff. This resolution becomes effective upon publication.

15 December 2022 appointment – fellowship mentor


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO appoint Jennifer Lopez as Fellowship mentor for the calendar year 2023 and Stephen Deerhake as ccNSO appointed member of the Fellowship selection committee 2023. The secretariat is requested to inform relevant ICANN staff. This resolution becomes effective upon publication

15 December 2022 guideline adoption


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the Guideline: ccNSO Nomination Process ICANN Board Seats 11 and 12 as sent to Council on 12 December 2022. The Council thanks the members of the Guideline Review Committee for their work and the Chair is requested to inform the GRC accordingly. This decision becomes effective seven (7) days after publication. The Guideline becomes effective once this decision has become effective and the amended Guideline is published on the ccNSO website.

15 December 2022 guideline adoption


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the Guideline: ccNSO Council Election as sent to Council on 12 December 2022. The Council thanks the members of the Guideline Review Committee for their work and the Chair is requested to inform the GRC accordingly. This decision becomes effective seven (7) days after publication. The Guideline becomes effective once this decision has become effective and the amended Guideline is published on the ccNSO website.

November/December Intermeeting decisions

Intermeeting decisions:

  • Re-confirmation Brett Carr ccNSO appointed member of the CSC
  • Appointment Irina Danelia member of the GRC
  • Adoption structure meeting of ccNSO with ICANN Board (members). Community forum meeting with ccTLD related Board members, AGM meeting with full Board, policy forum - no meeting with Board. If important to discuss always supersedes this structure.
17 November 2022 Council Election


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED to adopt the Council election report as proposed, which closes the 2023 Council Election Process. The Council thanks Joke Braeken for her work as Election Process Manager and congratulates Molehe, Ai-Chin, Chris, Alejandra and Stephen with their election. This decision becomes effective upon publication.

17 November 2022 Statement adoption


In accordance with the Guideline: ccNSO Statements, the ccNSO Council adopts the Final Statement that was sent to Council for adoption. The Council thanks Irina Danelia and Molehe Wesi for their work on the statement and requests the Chair to submit as a ccNSO Statement, adopted by both the Members and Council. This decision becomes effective immediately upon publication.

17 November 2022 MPC Charter


The ccNSO Council adopts the amended charter of the ccNSO meeting program committee (MPC) as proposed. The secretariat is requested to inform the MPC accordingly and post the amended charter. This decision becomes effective upon publication of the decision.

17 November 2022 template OISC


The ccNSO Council adopted the proposed template for review of the ccNSO Outreach and Involvement Standing Committee. The secretariat is requested to seek volunteers from Council to review the committee, excluding current participants. This decision becomes effective upon publication.

17 November 2022 RZERC Appointment


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO appoint Peter Koch (.de) as member of the Root Zone Evaluation Review Committee for a term of three years. The secretariat is requested to inform ICANN and Peter accordingly. This decision becomes effective upon publication.

October/November Intermeeting decisions

Intermeeting decisions:

  • Adoption nomination criteria NomCom appointee ccNSO Council
  • Council support ccNSO Council comments Pilot Holistic Review
  • Request GRC to develop ccNSO Guideline on how to relate to implementation ccNSO Policy
  • Appointment members SOPC, DASC, Tech WG, MPC and IGLC
  • Selection of Sean Copeland (Councilor and Chair GRC) and Everton Rodrigues (Chair of MPC), ICANN leadership program.
20 October 2022 Adoption Internal Rules


THE CCNSO RESOLVED TO adopt the 2022 vote report ccNSO Internal Rules. Per section 4.1 of the current Internal Rules of the ccNSO, the secretariat is requested to publish the report and new Rules on the ccNSO within 5 business days. Upon publication of the adopted Internal Rules they become effective.

The ccNSO Council thanks the GRC, specifically the Rules subgroup for its work on amending the Rules, and thanks Joke Braeken, the voting process manager, for her work.

20 October 2022 Call for volunteers: RZERC


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO request the secretariat to launch a call for expression of interest as soon as possible for a member of the RZERC in accordance with the general selection Guideline: ( This Decision becomes effective upon publication.

September/October request to extend public comments – Pilot Holistic review

Intermeeting decision

The ccNSO Council agreed to request of an extension public comment period Pilot Holistic Review

22 September 2022 letter adoption


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the letter circulated to the Council list as background material item C.1 meeting 187, and requests the Chair to send it to John Jeffrey, ICANN's GeneralCounsel, to seek clarity around the scope of section 8.8 of the ICANN Bylaws and inform the ccNSO Guideline Review Committee about the need to update the ccNSO NomCom delegate selection procedure to consider the effect of ICANN Bylaws Section 8.8 on the nomination and selection procedure.

22 September 2022 WG closure


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO close the ccPDP3 retirement working group and requests the secretariat to take all necessary steps to that effect, including but not limiting archiving the email list and wikispace as reference for future use.

The ccNSO Council wants to express its great appreciation for the working group members in general and particularly the former chair of the WG Nigel Roberts, current chair Stephen Deerhake and vice-chair Eberhard Lisse, for their work to bring this effort to a fruitful completion.

The secretariat is requested to include the topic of the discussion of the requirement for a ccNSO policy implementation group on the Council October agenda (meeting 188).

This resolution becomes effective upon publication.

22 September 2022 provide comments


The ccNSO Council will provide comments on the Terms of Reference for the "Holistic" Review. This will be considered a ccNSO Council Statement in accordance with the Council Procedure, Guideline: ccNSO Statements. In order to meet the 20 October 2022 deadline the ccNSO Council calls upon 3-5 Councilors to volunteer by the end of ICANN75 by sending an email to the ccNSO secretariat. This decision becomes effective directly upon publication.

The ccNSO Council initiates the ccNSO Statement procedure for developing and submission of comments and feedback on the Initial Report of the 2nd Customer Standing Committee effectiveness review team, according to the proposed timeline.

The secretariat is requested to send a call for volunteers to participate in the drafting team to Council and community, including the expected time commitment, timeline and proposed size and appointment method.

This resolution becomes effective immediately upon publication

13 September 2022 appointment – NomCom

Intermeeting decision

The ccNSO Council appoints Sophie Mitchell as the ccNSO delegate to 2023 NomCom. Following conclusion of the formal appointment, the ccNSO Council Chair assisted by the Secretariat will inform relevant ICANN staff of the selection of the candidate and will inform and thank all candidates.

18 August 2022 Charter adoption


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED to adopt amended Charter of the SOPC as proposed by the Committee (document: item 10 meeting 186 Charter SOPC August 2022). The Council requests the secretariat to publish the amended charter as soon as possible (after inclusion of date of adoption by Council), and inform the SOPC Chair and Vice Chair accordingly. This resolution becomes effective upon its publication.

18 August 2022 WG appointment


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED to appoint Nigel Roberts as member of the ccNSO Guidelines Review Committee (GRC). The secretariat is requested to take all necessary steps to include him as a member of the GRC, including to inform the group's leadership team

THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLIVED to appoint Türkan Sarikaya as member of the ccPDP3 Review Mechanism Working Group. The secretariat is requested to take all necessary steps to include her as a member of the ccPDP3-RM WG, including to inform the group's leadership team.

18 August 2022 Membership


The ccNSO Council approves ccNSO membership of GmbH, the ccTLD Manager of Austria (.at), and welcomes as member 173 of the ccNSO. The chair is requested to formally welcome This resolution becomes effective upon publication.

18 August 2022 NextGen


Seeing the limited impact of the Program for the ccNSO and its members, and in line with related Council decisions from 2020 and 2021, the ccNSO Council decides firstly, not to appoint a mentor to NextGen@ICANN, and secondly, not to nominate any members to the NextGen@ICANN Selection Committee. The ccNSO Secretariat is requested to inform relevant ICANN staff accordingly.

18 August 2022 Appointment


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED to appoint Chris Disspain as member, and Irina Danelia as secondary member, to the FY24 Planning Prioritization Group. The ccNSO Secretariat is requested to inform the SOPC and relevant ICANN staff about Chris and Irina's appointment by the 25 August deadline.

18 August 2022 Internal Rules


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED to adopt the proposed amended internal Rules for the ccNSO. The ccNSO Council adopts the timeline as proposed for the ccNSO membership vote, in line with the change mechanism of the April 2022 Internal Rules. The ccNSO Council requests the Secretariat to publish the timeline and start the procedure accordingly. The ccNSO Council appoints ccNSO Secretariat member Joke Braeken as Voting Process Manager to manage the electronic voting process on the new set of Rules for the ccNSO, as accepted by the ccNSO Council at this 186th meeting.

August 2022 Appointments / Selections

Intermeeting decision

  • Following a call for volunteers, Council appointed Brett Carr (.uk) as a member of the Customer Standing Committee (CSC)
  • Council appointed Rosemary Sinclair (.au) as member of the ccNSO SOPC
  • Council appointed Rajiv Kumar (.in, NIXI) as member of the Tech WG
  • ccNSO Council CSC Selection Committee approved the 2022 CSC slate of members and liaisons
21 July 2022 Adoption – amended charter


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt amended Charter of the Tech WG as proposed by the WG (document: item 10 meeting 185 Charter Tech WG July 2022). The Council requests the secretariat to publish the amended charter as soons as possible ( after inclusion of date of adoption by Council), and inform the chair of Tech WG accordingly. This resolution becomes effective upon its publication.

21 July 2022 WG appointments


At the nomination of the GRC, the ccNSO Council appoints Segun Akano (.ng) as vice-chair of the GRC.

The ccNSO Council appoints Brett Carr (Nominet, .uk) as member of the Tech WG.

Anticipating the date the amended charter of the Tech WG becomes effective, and at the nomination of the Tech WG, the ccNSO Council appoints Eberhard W Lisse (.na) as Chair of the Tech WG for a term of 3 years, in accordance with the amended charter, starting at the moment the amended charter becomes effective.

Anticipating the date the amended charter of the Tech WG becomes effective, and at the nomination of the Tech WG, the ccNSO Council appoints as co chairs of the Tech WG: Ondrej Filip (.cz) for a period of 2 years and Jacques Latour (.ca) for 1 year, starting at the moment the amended charter becomes effective.

21 July 2022 ccNSO Membership


The ccNSO Council confirms the administrative termination of ccNSO membership of Reliable Software, Ltd, the former ccTLD Manager of .by. The Secretariat is requested to inform the former manager, if feasible, and ensure the end of membership is reflected in the membership overview:

The ccNSO Council approves ccNSO membership of Autoridade Reguladora Nacional - Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação da Guiné-Bissau (ARN), the ccTLD Manager of Guinea-Bissau (.gw), and welcomes ARN as member 172 of the ccNSO. The chair is requested to formally welcome ARN. This resolution becomes effective upon publication.

21 July 2022 Support – letter


The ccNSO Council suppors the letter Document: item 13 meeting 185, letter July 2022, and requests its chair to send it to: ICANN Legal, the chair of the Ad-Hoc Board Group, preparing the discussion of the proposed policy by the full ICANN Board, ICANN's CEO and President and the chairs of the ccNSO PDP3 and 4 WGs. The secretariat is requested to publish an announcement on the ccNSO website, after the letter has been posted in the ccNSO correspondence section.

21 July 2022 Seek feedback – internal rules


The ccNSO Council requests the secretariat to circulate the updated Internal Rules to the ccNSO Membership and seek feed-back, after consulting the GRC on timing and next steps. The goal is that the Council is in a position to adopt the amended Rules by its next meeting, and circulate the proposed Rules prior to ICANN75 and call for a membership vote, which should start one week after ICANN75.

16 June 2022 Adoption – methodology


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO ADOPT and supports the methodology to prioritize the activities of the ccNSO as proposed by the ccNSO Triage committee, including but not limited to the ccNSO agreed purpose and goals statement and proposed role of the Triage Committee.

The ccNSO Council adopts the two-year 07/22-06/24 work plan as base-line plan for the ccNSO activities during this period, and requests the ccNSO Triage committee to monitor progress on work items against the work plan and update the plan quarterly. The secretariat is requested to publish the work plan on the ccNSO website. This decision becomes effective seven (7) days after publication.

The ccNSO Council notes that at the next meeting, the Triage Committee will propose the top priority items within the 2022-2024 plan, for Council discussion and adoption.

16 June 2022 Adoption membership application


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO ADOPT the application form: ccNSO Membership Application Form as circulated 3 June 2022 on the ccNSO mailing list and requests the secretariat to publish it as soon as possible on the ccNSO Website. This decision becomes effective upon publication.

16 June 2022 Timeline Board Seat 11 process


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO ADOPT the proposed timeline for Board Seat 11 Nomination Process as circulated to the Council on 12 June 2022 and requests the secretariat to publish it as soon as possible to inform the community accordingly.

The ccNSO Council appoints Joke Braeken, ccNSO Secretariat, as the Nomination Process Manager.

In accordance with the adopted timeline the ccNSO Council launches the Board Seat 11 Nomination Process and requests the Nomination Process Manager to open the call for Nominations on 19 July 2022.

16 June 2022 Timeline Council Elections


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO ADOPT the proposed timeline for the ccNSO Council Elections 2023 as circulated to the Council on 12 June 2022 and requests the secretariat to publish it as soon as possible to inform the community accordingly.

The ccNSO Council appoints Joke Braeken, ccNSO Secretariat, as the Election Process Manager.

In accordance with the adopted timeline the ccNSO Council launches the ccNSO Council Election Process and requests the Election Process Manager to open the call for Nominations on 14 September 2022.

16 June 2022 Call for volunteers CSC


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO REQUEST the secretariat to launch a call for volunteers, taking into and following the required skills and experience for a ccNSO appointed member of the CSC. The call is expected to close on 08 July 2022.

Further, the ccNSO Council mandates its CSC Selection Committee to coordinate the selection of the CSC Members with the GNSO RySG and approve the full slate of CSC membership on behalf of the ccNSO Council.

The ccNSO Secretariat is requested to publish the decision as soon as possible. This decision becomes effective upon publication.

16 June 2022  


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO APPOINT Annaliese Williams (.AU) as chair of the ccNSO Internet Governance Liaison Committee (IGLC) , and Abdullah Cemil AKÇAM (.TR) as its Vice-Chair.

The ccNSO Council thanks Pierre Bonis (.FR) as inaugurate chair of the IGLC for all his relentless efforts to ensure that the IGLC is of permanent value to the ccNSO and broader ccTLD community as evidenced by the successful session organized under auspices of the IGLC!

The secretariat is requested to inform Anneliese, Piere and Abdullah and IGLC accordingly and publish this resolution as soon as possible. This decision becomes effective upon publication.

16 June 2022  


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO APPOINT Everton T. Rodrigues (.BR) as chair of the ccNSO Meetings Programme Committee (MPC), and Guðrun Poulsen (.FO) as its Vice-Chair.

The ccNSO Council thanks Barbara Povše (.SI) wholeheartedly as chair of the MPC for all her work, inspiration, and wisdom to ensure that the meetings organized by the MPC remained of high quality and relevancy for the ccNSO and broader ccTLD community even under the dire circumstances and impact the pandemic since March 2020.

The secretariat is requested to inform Barbara, Everton and Guðrun, and the MPC accordingly and publish this resolution as soon as possible. This decision becomes effective upon publication.

June 2022 WG appointment

Intermeeting Decision:

  • Appointment members DNS Abuse Standing committee (Ann-Cathrin Marcussen (.no),
  • Appointment members ccPDP3 RM WG: Elif GÜLDÜZ GÜREL (.tr)
May 2022 WG appointment

Intermeeting Decision:

  • Appointment members DNS Abuse Standing committee
21 April 2022 Roles and responsibilities


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the 2022 overview of roles and responsibilities and requests the secretariat to publish this resolution as soon as possible and publish the aforementioned overview. This resolution becomes effective upon date of publication.

21 April 2022 NomCom Appointment


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO appoint Chris Disspain, as ccNSO appointee on the FY 23 NomCom Committee. The secretariat is requested to inform the candidates and the NomCom support staff accordingly and publish the decision.

The ccNSO Council thanks all candidates for standing! The Council also want to express its gratitude to Juhani Juselius (.fi) for serving on the NomCom the last two years.

21 April 2022 Deferral of the 3rd ccNSO Review


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO support the deferral of the 3rd ccNSO Review until such time that:

  1. Impact of ATRT3 Recommendations pertaining to Organizational Review is better understood by the community and ICANN and
  2. The impact on workload of the community at that time a review has to be undertaken is understood.

The Chair is requested to inform ICANN accordingly. The secretariat is requested to publish this resolution as soon as feasible.

21 April 2022 Adoption New Rules


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the report on the vote to amend the 2004 Rules of the ccNSO.

The Council thanks the Voting Process Manager for the flawless voting process, and all those who engaged with the community to solicit voting to reach the required threshold of 50 % of the ccNSO membership that had to cast a vote.

The ccNSO Council also thanks the GRC, and specifically its subgroup under leadership of David McAuley for the hard and exemplary work in preparing the amendments and managing the process leading up to the vote.

The secretariat is requested to publish the resolution and the amended Rules, and archive the 2004 Rules, and inform the community accordingly.

Finally, for avoidance of doubt, the amended Rules become effective upon publication on the ccNSO Website [].

April 2022 Adoptions, WG appointment, call for volunteers

Intermeeting Decision:

  • Adoption clarification impartiality statement
  • Adoption amendment Terms of Reference Triage committee
  • Adoption Terms of Reference DNS Abuse Standing Committee and launch call volunteers
  • Appointment Qing Cai (.cn) as ccNSO liaison to the Universal Acceptance Steering Group (UASG)
  • Appointment Peter Koch to the Root Server System Governance Working Group (GWG)
  • Launch call volunteers ccNSO appointee to 2023 NomCom
10 March 2022 call for volunteers


The ccNSO Council requests the secretariat to launch a call for a volunteer on the Root Server System Governance Working Group, as soon as possible but no later than 17 March 2022 and closing date 24 March 2022. The general Guideline: ccNSO Appointments applies (

10 March 2022 adoption amended ToR


The ccNSO Council adopts the amended Terms of Reference (v2.0) of the ccNSO Internet Governance Liaison Committee by including appointment of Vice-Chairs of the Committee.

10 March 2022 adoption roadmap


The ccNSO Council taking into account the community support adopts the Roadmap as proposed and thanks the ccNSO ad-hoc group ccNSO & DNS Abuse for its hard work. The Council requests the secretariat to publish the Roadmap on the ccNSO website, and inform the community accordingly. This decision becomes effective seven (7) days after its publication

10 March 2022 vice chair election


In accordance with the temporary procedure to select its chair and vice-chairs, adopted on 24 February 2022, Alejandra Reynoso (.gt) was duly nominated and seconded as Chair of the ccNSO, and accepted her nomination and the ccNSO Council elects Alejandra to serve as its chair starting at the end of the Council meeting of ICANN73 until the end of ICANN76.

The secretariat is requested to inform the ICANN secretary accordingly and post an announcement on the ccNSO Website.

10 March 2022 vice chair election


In accordance with the temporary procedure to select its chair, adopted on 24 February 2022, Jordan Carter (.nz) was duly nominated and seconded, and accepted his nomination and the election process manager noted that the chair, and vice-chairs are all residents in different ICANN regions. The ccNSO Council elects Jordan to serve as its Vice-Chair starting at the end of the Council meeting of ICANN73 until the end of ICANN76.

The secretariat is requested to inform the ICANN secretary accordingly and post an announcement on the ccNSO Website.

10 March 2022 vice chair election


In accordance with the temporary procedure to select its chair, adopted on 24 February 2022, Adebiyi Oladipo (.ng) was duly nominated and seconded, and accepted his nomination and the election process manager noted that the chair, and vice-chairs are all residents in different ICANN regions. The ccNSO Council elects Biyi to serve as its Vice-Chair starting at the end of the Council meeting of ICANN73 until the end of ICANN76.

The secretariat is requested to inform the ICANN secretary accordingly and post an announcement on the ccNSO Website.

4 March 2022 Adoption, WG appointment

Intermeeting Decision:

  • Adoption amended Terms of Reference Triage Committee
  • Adoption ccNSO Council Statement on impartiality of the ccNSO
  • Appointment Adam Eisner (.ca) member SOPC
24 February 2022 Chair and Vice chair procedure


The Guideline ccNSO Roles and Responsibilities includes among others a procedure for the selection of the Council Chair and Vice-Chairs. However, this procedure assumes that the selection process at in person meetings. The ccNSO Council meeting during ICANN73 is again virtual. For that reason the ccNSO Council adopts the extraordinary Chair and Vice-Chair selection procedure as proposed.

The ccNSO Council requests the Guideline Review Committee to review the selection procedure and propose if necessary a procedure that would make the selection of the ccNSO Chair and Vice-Chair independent of the nature of the meeting ( virtual, hybrid or in-person) going forward.

24 February 2022 Adoption Rules


In accordance with section 10.3(k) of the ICANN Bylaws, the ccNSO Council accepts the proposed Internal Rules of the ccNSO, Final version dated 27 January 2022 and submitted on 6 February 2022 to the ccNSO Council for adoption. The ccNSO Council notes that the proposed rules will become effective and replace the 2004 Rules of ccNSO upon adoption by the ccNSO Members in accordance with section 8 of the 2004 Rules of the ccNSO and publication of the Rules on the ccNSO website.

The ccNSO Council wholeheartedly thanks the GRC and specifically its rules subgroup for their hard, thorough work and setting a new standard in the process for how the ccNSO can manage these hard issues in times of hardship like the current pandemic.

24 February 2022 process manager


The ccNSO Council appoints Joke Braeken of the ccNSO secretariat as Voting Process Manager to manage the electronic voting process on the new set of Rules for the ccNSO as accepted by the ccNSO Council at this meeting.

In accordance with section 5.1.1 of the 2004 Rules of the ccNSO, the ccNSO Council launches the electronic vote by the ccNSO membership on the adoption of the new proposed Rules of the ccNSO. The electronic vote should start on Wednesday 23 March 2022 at 00.01 UTC and close on 6 April 2022 at 23.59 UTC. If less than 50% of the Members have casted their votes on 6 April 2022 at 23.59 UTC a second, final round should start on 21 April 2022 at 00.01 UTC and close on 5 May 2022 at 23.59 UTC. The Voting Process Manager is tasked to report the results of the first round on 7 April 2022 and if applicable the results of the second, final round on 6 May 2022.

24 February 2022 Charter adoption


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the updated charter of the ccNSO Guideline Review Committee. This decision becomes effective seven days after publication on the ccNSO website. The ccNSO secretariat is requested to publish the charter and include the effective date of the adoption and version number and inform the Guideline Reform Committee accordingly.

February 2022 WG Appointments

Intermeeting Decision:

  • Appointment David McAuley WS 2 Coordination Group
  • Appointment members IGLC & MPC
27 January 2022 ccNSO liaison to GAC appointment


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO appoint Biyi Oladipo as ccNSO liaison to the GAC, with a major task to coordinate joint meetings between the ccNSO and GAC. The Chair is requested to inform the Chair of the GAC accordingly.

27 January 2022 Fellowship program appointment


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO appoint Jennifer Lopez (.pa) as ccNSO appointed mentor of the ICANN Fellowship program for the term of one-year. The secretariat of the ccNSO is requested to inform ICANN support staff of the Fellowship program accordingly.

27 January 2022 IGLC appointments


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO appoint Annaliese Williams (.au) and Abdullah Cemil Akcam (.tr) both as Vice-Chairs of the Internet Governance Liaison Committee (IGLC). The Chair is requested to inform the IGLC of the appointment of Anneliese and Abdullah.

7 January 2022 Appointment – Excellence Award Panel

Intermeeting Decision:

Appointment volunteers to serve on the ICANN Community Excellence Award Selection Panel:

  • Margarita Valdes and
  • Javier Rua