Call for Volunteers: ccNSO appointed Liaison to the GNSO Council

19 April 2023

Maarten Simon (.nl) informed Council he intends to step down as ccNSO appointed Liaison to the the Generic names Supporting Organisation (GNSO). The ccNSO now launches a call for volunteers among ccTLD community representatives to fill the vacancy. This call for volunteers closes Tuesday, 2 May 2023 (23:59 UTC). To learn more about the role and this call for volunteers, you are warmly invited to a webinar on Wednesday, 26 April 2023 at 11:30 UTC, when Maarten Simon will share his experiences as Liaison.

Join Webinar on Wednesday, 26 April at 11:30 UTC

To learn more about the role and this call for volunteers, you are warmly invited to a webinar on Wednesday, 26 April 2023 at 11:30 UTC. Maarten Simon will share his experiences. There will be an opportunity to ask questions and zoom recordings will be posted here.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 996 7889 1832 | Passcode: k?7tMrc0Zu

Criteria for appointment

A ccNSO appointed Liaison to another SO/AC should be a representative from a ccTLD manager, or a ccTLD Regional Organisation.

How to Apply?

If interested, please provide the following:

  • Resume, curriculum vitae, or biography, clearly specifying your affiliation
  • Letter of motivation detailing your interest in serving as ccNSO appointed Liaison to the GNSO Council and what you will bring to this position
  • Confirmation from your employer, authorizing and supporting you to fulfil this role
  • Statement of Interest that identifies potential conflict of interest in your service as Liaison

Kindly send the materials to Closing date of this call for volunteers is 2 May 2023 (23:59 UTC)

Term and Term Limits

As per the applicable guideline, A ccNSO appointed Liaison serves for a term of two (2) years and no more than three (3) consecutive terms. At the end of each two-year term, a call for volunteers will be issued and candidates will be evaluated against the criteria. Your term will start in June 2023.


ccNSO appointed Liaisons to other ICANN supporting organizations shall report to the ccNSO Council regularly (monthly) on the activities of the respective organization they have been appointed to. A Liaison shall represent ccNSO values in these efforts, shall pursue specific direction from the ccNSO Council as and when given, and shall seek ccNSO Council advice as and when needed.

The ccNSO Liaison to the GNSO is committed to participate diligently in the meetings and activities of the respective Councils, as well as potential agenda setting meetings to prepare for joint meetings between the ccNSO and GNSO Councils.

The ccNSO liaison to the GNSO shall neither be a member of, nor entitled to vote on, the ccNSO Council or GNSO Council. The Liaison shall otherwise be entitled to participate in the respective Council meetings. Any view the Liaison shares with the organsiation they have been appointed to is their personal view. ccNSO Liaisons do not represent the ccNSO, unless specifically instructed by the ccNSO Council to the contrary.


In the event only one person has volunteered, this person shall be appointed by the ccNSO Council at the first Council meeting following closure of the call for volunteers. In the event two or more persons have volunteered for the same position, the ccNSO Council will conduct an email vote for the appointment. The volunteer who receives the majority of the votes lodged shall be considered to be appointed by the ccNSO Council. The Chair of the ccNSO will inform the ICANN Secretary and the respective Supporting Organization or Advisory Committee of the appointment.

After having received your intent to apply for this position, the ccNSO Secretariat will send you a link to an online Public Data Consent Form. (Example here) Via this form, you consent to ICANN processing data in order to appoint you as a Liaison and to subscribe you to the relevant mailing list(s). The form explains the information ICANN will process to administer your participation as ccNSO appointed Liaison to the GNSO and how the information will be used this purpose. It also describes the rights you have regarding your information.
