This is a kind reminder regarding the upcoming ccNSO members vote on the proposed policy for the retirement of ccTLDs. A first heads up is published here.
This is also a reminder to verify the accuracy of your primary contact details in the ccNSO Member Database ahead of time. Questions regarding your primary contact? Please contact
Next Steps
The proposed policy will now will become subject to the vote of the ccNSO membership. At least 87 members will need to vote and 66 % +1 vote of the votes cast need to be in support of the policy for it to be adopted.
A further announcement will follow on 24 June. Latest by 6 July 2021, voting ballots will be sent by to the e-mail address of the primary contact of each ccNSO Member, as listed in the ccNSO Members database.
Recent developments
4 June 2021
The ccNSO Council adopted the resolution to split the third ccNSO Policy Development Process:
- ccPDP3 Part 1: Retirement of ccTLDs (further info in the email below)
- ccPDP3 Part 2: The goal of the Review Mechanism Working Group is to report on and recommend a policy for a review mechanism with respect to decisions pertaining to the delegation, transfer, revocation, and retirement of the delegated Top-Level Domains associated with the country codes assigned to countries and territories listed in the ISO 3166-1 and within the framework of the ccNSO Policy Development Process.
8 June 2021
The Issue Manager submitted the Final Report on the retirement of ccTLDs to the Chair of the ccNSO Council. The Final Report is available here.
17 June 2021
During its meeting held at ICANN71, the ccNSO Council has adopted the proposed policy on retirement of ccTLDs. Consult Resolution 174-01 from 17 June 2021 here.