Council Decisions and Resolutions

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Date Topic Resolutions and Decisions
16 December 2021 Special Election EU

THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the Council Special Election Report for the European region FY 2022, notes the observations, and thanks Joke Braeken for her work as the Special Election Process Manager. By this adoption the Special Election Process for the European Region FY 2022 is closed.

The ccNSO Council congratulates Chris Disspain, who will take his seat on 1 January 2022. The chair of the ccNSO is requested to inform the ICANN Secretary and Chris accordingly.

16 December 2021 FY22 Council election report

THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the Council Election Report FY 2022, notes the observations, and thanks Joke Braeken for her work as Election Process Manager. By this adoption the election process 2022 is closed.

The ccNSO Council congratulates the elected candidates:

  • AF region: Biyi Oladipo (.ng)
  • AP region: Jordan Carter (.nz)
  • EU region: Nick Wenban-Smith (.eu)
  • LAC Region: Demi Gethschko (.br)
  • NA Region: Pablo Rodriguez (.pr)
16 December 2021 SOPC Appointment

THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO appoint Chris Disspain as member of the SOPC. The Council requests the secretariat to inform both the chair of the SOPC accordingly and Chris accordingly.

15 November 2021 Special Election – EU

Intermeeting decision

The ccNSO Council adopts the timeline as proposed for the special ccNSO CouncilElections for the European region, to fill the vacancy on the Council from that region. The ccNSO Council requests the Secretariat to publish the timeline and start the procedure accordingly.

The ccNSO Council appoints Joke Braeken as Election Manager for the special ccNSO Council for the European region, to fill the vacancy on the Council from that region.

28 October 2021 Appointment GRC Chair

THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED to appoint Sean Copeland as chair of the ccNSO Guideline Review Committee, starting at the closing of ICANN72. The ccNSO Council want to thank Katrina Sataki wholeheartedly for being the chair of the GRC since its creation in December 2014.

16 September 2021 Adoption: Board report proposed policy


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO approve the Board Report on the Proposed Policy for the Retirement of ccTLDs as part of ccNSO Policy Development Process 3. The Board report contains per requirements of Annex B of the ICANN Bylaws:

  • The result of the members vote
  • The ccNSO recommendation, following the vote by the members of the ccNSO
  • The Final Report, which contains the proposed policy process for the retirement of ccTLDs

The Council requests the secretariat to publish this decision as soon as possible on the ccNSO website and inform the ccNSO membership accordingly. The decision becomes effective upon publication.

The Council requests its Chair to submit the Board Report to the Chair of the ICANN Board of Directors as soon as possible after publication of the resolution.

The Council expresses its appreciation and congratulates the WG and specifically the co-chairs of the ccPDP3-RET - Stephen Deerhake and Eberhard Lisse – for completion of the process.

16 September 2021 Appointment: Customer Standing Committee Effectiveness Review


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO appoint Jens Pétur Jensen (.is) and Maarten Simon (.nl) as the ccNSO appointed members on the second Customer Standing Committee Effectiveness Review team. The Chair is requested to inform the candidates, the GNSO Council and ICANN Org accordingly. This decision becomes effective seven (7 days) after publication.

5 August 2021 review of ICANN learn course

Intermeeting decision

The ccNSO Council supports the OISC suggestion to undertake an extensive review of the ccNSO Course on ICANN Learn before translating the course in the various languages ICANN provides translations. The Council requests the Chair of the Council to inform ICANN Org accordingly and defer further communication and decisions around the review and translation to the OISC. The OISC is requested to take all steps necessary to start and complete the review as soon as possible, including but not limited to seeking volunteers to assist in the review, and developing a work plan and report to the Council on a regularly basis.

22 July 2021 Letter adoption


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the latest (19 July 2021) version of the letter to the ALAC to express its substantive and procedural concerns with respect to the ICANN71 ALAC session ccTLD Governance Models - Testimonies from At-Large End Users and requests its Chair to send it to the Chair of ALAC. The Chair is also requested to do whatever she believes is necessary to resolve the outstanding issues, within the parameters set in the letter. The Chair is requested to inform the Council in due time of the results of the dialogue with ALAC.

17 June 2021 Final report – ccPDP3 Retirement


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt all recommendations contained in the Final Report of the Issue Manager as submitted to the Chair of the ccNSO Council on 08 June 202.  The adopted recommendations shall be conveyed to the Members of the ccNSO as the Council Recommendation to vote upon. The ccNSO Council Recommendation addresses the issues pertaining to the retirement of ccTLDs as identified in the ccPDP3 Issue Report as adopted by the ccNSO Council on 15 March 2021.

The Issue Manager is requested to compile the Members Report taking this resolution into account.

In accordance with the adopted timeline the Members vote on the Council Recommendation will start on Wednesday 07 July 2021 at 00.01 UTC.

The ccNSO Council wholeheartedly thanks the members and other participants of the Retirement working Group for their hard work and prolonged effort to conclude ccPDP 3 Retirement endeavour, and in particular the chair and vice-chair of the working group Stephen Deerhake (.as) and Eberhard Lisse (.na). As a result of adoption of the Final Report the Retirement Working Group will close. The secretariat is requested to inform the WG membership accordingly.

17 June 2021 Charter update - GRC



  • to discuss implications of the activities of committees and working groups on the ccNSO Operational Procedures / ccNSO Guidelines, and how the ccNSO has organized its work, and
  • to review how the ccNSO has organized its work with the council and make suggestions on an annual basis.

As the mandate of the Guideline Review Committee may need to be adjusted to enable the GRC to undertake the additional, aforementioned tasks, it is requested to review its Charter and propose amendments by the September 2021 Council meeting. The Chair of the Council is requested to inform the GRC accordingly and the secretariat is requested to publish this resolution as soon as possible on the ccNSO website.

17 June 2021 Adoption – workplan


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the ccNSO two-year rolling forward work plan as the baseline for the ccNSO activities for the coming year, and requests it to be updated quarterly. The secretariat is requested to publish the work plan on the ccNSO website.

17 June 2021 Confirmation implementation of review recommendations


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO agree with the overview of the status of the recommendations and confirms with the level of remaining implementation work, i.e that no further action is required from the ccNSO at this stage in implementing the recommendations of the 2nd Organizational Review. The secretariat of the ccNSO is requested to inform relevant ICANN Org staff accordingly and publish this resolution.

17 June 2021 Timeline and election manager


The ccNSO Council appoints Joke Braeken as the Election Manager for the 2022 ccNSO Council Elections .

The ccNSO Council adopts the timeline Council Elections 2022 as proposed, and requests the secretariat to publish the timeline and start the procedure accordingly.

17 June 2021 Timeline and selection committee


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the timeline as proposed for the selection of a new ccNSO appointed member on the CSC, and request the Secretariat to launch the call for volunteers at the time foreseen in the schedule and in accordance with the mechanism in the Guideline: Procedure for ccNSO Appointees.

The ccNSO Council also confirms that the CSC selection committee is composed by: Biyi Oladipo, Alejandra Reynoso, Jiankang Yao, Irina Danelia, Sean Copeland, and Javier Rúa-Jovet, who are mandated by the Council to consult with the RySG and approve the full slate of membership.

The Secretariat is further requested to inform the community as soon as possible on the upcoming CSC member nomination and selection process.

4 June 2021 ccPDP3 separation

Intermeeting decision

To expedite the ccNSO decision-making on the proposed recommended policy for the Retirement of ccTLDs, Part 1 of the third (3rd) ccNSO Policy Development Process (ccPDP3), shall be further treated separately and independently from Part 2 of ccPDP3 on developing a Review Mechanism and now follow the steps required under ICANN Bylaws Annex B, starting with section 9.c. Part 2 of ccPDP3, on review mechanism will continue according to the timeline and Annex B of the ICANN Bylaws.

The Secretariat is requested to publish the Council decision as soon as possible after conclusion of the voting. The decision will become effective 7 days after publication.

22 April 2021 Appointment


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO appoint Pablo Rodriguez (.pr) as chair of the OISC, up and until his term ends. The Secretariat is requested to inform the OISC membership and list Pablo as such on the OISC webpage accordingly.

22 April 2021 Letter


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO support the draft letter to relevant ICANN Executive staff members and request its Chair to send it as soon as possible. The Council requests the secretariat to update the ccNSO Review Recommendation Dashboard accordingly.

25 March 2021 Election procedure


ccNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED: Up and to the extent necessary and for avoidance of doubt, the ccNSO Council ratifies the 2021 Chair and Vice-Chair nomination and election procedures and requests secretariat to publish the resolution together with the details of the procedures.

25 March 2021 Chair appointment


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO select and appoint Alejandra Reynoso Barral (.gt, LAC region) as Chair of the ccNSO for a one (1) year term starting at the end of ICANN70 and ending at the end of ICANN73

25 March 2021 Vice-Chair appointments


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO select and appoint Jordan Carter (.nz, AP region) and Pablo Rodriguez (.pr, NA region) as Vice-Chairs of the ccNSO for a one (1) year term starting at the end of ICANN70 and ending at the end of ICANN73

25 March 2021 Guideline adoption


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the Guideline: ccNSO Appointments to Specific Groups. The Council requests the secretariat to publish the Guideline and archive the Guidelines listed in the background section. The adopted Guideline becomes effective seven (7) days after publication.

25 March 2021 Procedure adoption


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED to adopt the procedures for nomination and selecting a Chair and/or Vice-Chair of a ccNSO Working Group and ccNSO Collaboration Group. The Council requests the secretariat to publish the Procedures as update to the relevant Guidelines, and update the ccNSO Review Implementation Dashboard. The procedures become effective seven (7) days after publication of this decision.

25 March 2021 Appointment liaison


At the nomination of the Chair and Vice-chair of the IDN ccPDP4 IDN WG, the ccNSO Council appoints Alireza Saleh (.ir) as liaison to the GNSO Policy efforts. The ccNSO Council requests the secretariat to inform the GNSO, the ccPDP4 IDN WG and Alireza accordingly and publish this decision as soon as feasible.

25 March 2021 Procedure ratification


The ccNSO Council ratifies the following procedure to assign roles and responsibilities of Councillors in case of competing sign-ups:

  • All Councillors are requested to sign-up for a role they intend to take on by Friday 9 April 2021.
  • If two or more Councillors put their name forward for one and the same role to be filled, the following procedure will be followed:
    • The Councillors are expected to try to resolve the matter among themselves before the upcoming April Council call.
    • If two or more Councilors still put their name forward for one and the same position/role, then all Councillors will select their preferred candidate, by a confidential email vote.
    • Each and every Councillor, including the candidates, will be asked by Joke Braeken, the appointed staff person, to send an email to, and include the name of the preferred candidate for the specific position.
    • Once the email is received the appointed staff person shall send a reply including a ballot number, and acknowledgement of receipt.
    • The most preferred candidate will be appointed. In the event two or more candidates receive the most, but equal number of votes, there will be a run-off expression of preference round with respect to these candidates. The appointed staff person will provide an overview of the votes cast and the order of preference.
25 March 2021 GRC Subgroup


The ccNSO Council requests the Guideline Review Committee (GRC) to create a sub-working group that will focus specifically on detailing the structure, relation and topics of the future members Rules and Operational Procedures. The sub-group is requested to present a first draft of the updated new Members Rules to the ccNSO membership by ICANN71. The GRC is further requested to appoint a liaison to the ccNSO Council to inform the Council on progress.

The ccNSO Council requests the secretariat together with the chair of the GRC to launch a call for participation of the sub-group as soon as feasible. To ensure timely participation and start of this effort, the volunteers may participate in the proceedings of the sub-group of the GRC on equal footing as the members, without going through the formal Council appointment procedure. As soon as the sub-group is closed, participation in the sub-group ends

25 March 2021 Triage committee


Taking into account the increased value of planning and a coherent method for setting priorities, the ccNSO Council requests the current Triage Committee and secretariat, to propose to the ccNSO Council by its May 2021 meeting a roadmap to integrate the work of the Triage Committee and management of the annual and monthly workplan.

18 February 2021 Letter to Board Organizational Effectiveness Committee


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO agree with the letter to the Board Organizational Effectiveness Committee, in response to their letter from 9 December 2020, to provide the OEC additional details and clarification per their request and inform them on the status of implementation of the recommendation of the second organizational review of the ccNSO. The Council requests its chair to send the letter as soon as feasible to the Chair of the OEC.

18 February 2021 Approval IANA Naming Function Review proposed changes


Per request of the IFRT, dated 8 February, THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED to approve the proposed change of the IANA Naming Function Contract section Article VII, Section 7.1 (a): Audits, by striking the sentence The relevant policies under which the changes are made shall be noted within each monthly report (emphasis added) from the text of forementioned Article. The Chair of the ccNSO is requested to inform the Chairs of the IFRT and relevant ICANN staff accordingly, seven (7) days after this resolution is published. The secretariat is requested to publish this resolution as soon as possible and inform the community accordingly.

18 February 2021 Call for EoI


The Secretariat is requested to launch a call for Expression of Interest for each to each of these groups listed in the ToR. The call should close on Friday 12 March 2021. The secretariat is requested to organize a webinar to introduce the OISC to the broader community and to solicit interest to actively participate.

18 February 2021 Adoption proposed response


The ccNSO Council supports and adopts the Response as proposed by the Drafting Team and asks the secretariat to publish this decision and the response as adopted as soon as possible. The Chair of the Council is requested to inform relevant ICANN staff (seven (7) days after publication of publication of this decision and sent the response as adopted accordingly o ICANN staff.

With respect to difference between the entities who manage multiple ASCII ccTLD and entities who run multiple IDNccTLDs relating to the same country or territory (point b above) the ccNSO Council requests the secretariat to update the Bylaw change repository accordingly as item that needs to be discussed as suggested.

With respect to point a. and b. above, the Chair is requested to inform the GRC of the need to update various Guidelines and the internal procedures to align the Guidelines and internal procedures with the proposed changes to Article 10 and Annex B of the ICANN Bylaws by the time they become effective.

21 January 2021 Appointment: Community Representative Group


The ccNSO Council appoints David McAuley (Verisign, .cc) to serve on the Community Representative Group. The Chair is requested to inform David and relevant staff of ICANN Org accordingly. The Chair is also requested to inform the other Chairs of the Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees and relevant ICANN Org staff that the ccNSO will only fill one seat.