Call for Volunteers: the ccNSO seeks 1 mentor and 1 mentee for the ccNSO Community Onboarding Programme (COP)

04 February 2019

The ccNSO seeks 1 mentor and 1 mentee for the ccNSO Community Onboarding Programme (COP).

If you are interested in joining either as mentor or mentee to the ccNSO COP, kindly review the section "how to join" included below.

The application window opens Wednesday, 6 February 2019. The closing date of this call for volunteers is 20 February 2019, 23:59 UTC. Applications received prior to the opening date or after the closing date will not be considered.

Objective of the ccNSO COP

The ccNSO COP is designed to improve engagement and retention of new participants within the ccNSO by creating a structured, year-round onboarding process and mentorship structure, tailored by and for the ccNSO.

ccNSO COP mentor/mentee: role & term of appointment

  1. ccNSO COP mentor

    A mentor is defined as an experienced member of the community best suited to share knowledge of and experience in the ccNSO environment. The role of the mentor:

    • Be available to the mentee through previously agreed upon communication channels, at reasonable time frames throughout the experience (pre-, during and post- an ICANN meeting)
    • Guide the mentee through all available resources and share relevant information
    • Respond in a timely manner to any queries from the mentee
    • Facilitate introductions to Community Members, for instance while attending ICANN meetings
    • Provide an update the ccNSO Council and/or Secretariat when requested to do so
    • Whenever possible, attend ccNSO-relevant sessions at ICANN meetings.

    The term of appointment of the ccNSO COP mentor shall be one (1) year. A mentor may be re-appointed for two additional terms (in total 3 terms).

  2. ccNSO COP mentee

    A mentee is defined as a relatively new member of the community who has demonstrated both the potential and desire to actively engage and participate in the work of the ccNSO.

    The role of the mentee:

    • Be available to the mentor through previously agreed upon communication channels, at reasonable time frames throughout the experience (pre-, during and post- an ICANN meeting)
    • Read the available ccNSO onboarding materials, and where possible provide suggestions for improvements
    • Be a good listener and have an open mind to allow guidance through the ccNSO activities
    • Work towards the goal of contributing to the work of the ccNSO
    • Provide an update the ccNSO Council and/or Secretariat when requested to do so
    • Whenever possible, attend ccNSO-relevant sessions at ICANN meetings.

    The term of appointment of the ccNSO COP mentee shall be one (1) year. A mentee cannot be re-appointed.

Who can join?

People associated with a ccTLD manager, whether members or non-members of the ccNSO, may apply for the role of ccNSO COP mentor/mentee. Decisions on whether to award the role of ccNSO COP mentor/mentee shall be based on the merits of each application and the criteria included in the Terms of Reference located here. The ccNSO COP mentor and mentee will be selected based on how well the application material they submitted meets the following set of criteria:

Requirements for mentees:

  • Able to work and communicate in written and spoken English
  • Have a basic knowledge of ICANN and specifically the ccNSO
  • Be a fairly new community member
  • Show genuine interest to contribute to the work of the ccNSO
  • Should be employed or have active backing by a ccTLD manager and should demonstrate the support by the ccTLD manager in respect to the required time commitment to participate actively in the ccNSO COP

Requirements for mentors:

  • Able to work and communicate in written and spoken English
  • Have a good knowledge of ICANN and specifically the ccNSO
  • Actively contributes to the work of the ccNSO
  • Be approachable and accessible, with the goal of advancing the onboarding experience of the mentee
  • Ability and willingness to share best practices and experiences
  • Should be employed or have active backing by a ccTLD manager and should demonstrate the support by the ccTLD manager in respect to the required time commitment to participate actively in the ccNSO COP

How to join and next steps

If you are interested in joining either as mentor or mentee to the ccNSO COP, kindly fill out the application form located here (, starting from Wednesday 6 February 2019 (noon UTC). Additional background application materials - such as the active backing by the ccTLD Manager - can be sent via e-mail to

Closing date of this call for volunteers is Wednesday, 20 February 2019, 23:59 UTC. Applications received prior to the opening date or after the closing date will not be considered.

Once the application window closed, the ccNSO COP Selection Committee members will evaluate all applications. The outcome of the ccNSO COP Selection Committee deliberations will be published on the ccNSO website, latest by Friday, 15 March 2019. All applicants will receive a personal notification as well.

Background and links

  • About the ccNSO COP

    The ICANN Community Onboarding Programme results from discussions between the community and the ICANN starting at ICANN49 and concluding at ICANN51. This broader consultation process sought to address volunteer burnout and improve newcomer retention rates. In January 2016, the ICANN COP Pilot was launched to develop an individualized, tailored mentorship process. The programme concluded at the end of ICANN's FY18.

    The objective of the ccNSO COP is to continue a COP tailored to the needs and within the limits of the ccNSO environment.

  • ccNSO funded travel support

    The ccNSO Travel Support Programme is provided by ICANN to advance the work of the ccNSO as a whole and is therefore aimed at supporting the attendance to ICANN public meetings for community members that are contributing towards its work.

    ICANN provides support for a limited number of ccNSO slots. Candidates from all regions and sectors, including the ccNSO COP mentor and mentee, may apply for ccNSO travel support. Decisions on whether to award travel support to an application shall be based on the merits of each application and the criteria included in the ccNSO Travel Support Guideline as published on the ccNSO website.

    Read more here on how to apply for travel funding for ICANN65, Marrakech:

  • Links