Member Profile: .cz

Full Name of Registry: CZ.NIC

Contact details (address, phone, fax, general enquiries):

CZ.NIC, z. s. p. o.,
Milesovska 1136/5, 130 00 Praha 3, Czech Republic

Tel: +420 222 745 111

Fax: +420 222 745 112

General enquieries: (please not

Founding Date: 1998

Registration model: Administrator of the .CZ domain

Number of domain names: more then 1 300 000 (at December 2018) Current statistics at:

History: CZ.NIC, z. s. p. o., is an interest association of legal entities, founded in 1998 by leading providers of Internet services. The association currently has 116 members. The key activities of the association include operation of the domain name registry for the .CZ domain, operation of the CZ top-level domain and public education in the area of domain names. The association is now intensively working on development of the DNSSEC technology and mojeID service, extension and improvements of the domain administration system and support of new technologies and projects beneficial to the Internet infrastructure in the Czech Republic. The Association also operates the CZ.NIC-CSIRT internal security team and, since 2011, the Czech CSIRT team – CSIRT.CZ. Since 2013 the Association is a member of the security project FENIX. CZ.NIC is a member of international organizations uniting similar organizations around the world (CENTR, ccNSO and more) and a member of the EURid association, managing the European domain .EU. CZ.NIC protects the confidentiality of assets from unauthorized disclosure. The Association implements its security policy consistently, systematically and economically. In 2013, the Czech national domain administrator was granted the internationally recognized certification for information security management system (ISMS) complying with ISO 27001.