Member Profile: .cc

Full Name of Registry: VeriSign Inc.

Founding date: 1995

Registration Model (Registry/Registrar system; Direct registrations; Both): Registry/Registrar system

Number of domain names: 90 million plus (cc com net tv name jobs edu)


Corporate Facts:

  • Headquarters: Mountain View, California
  • Founded: 1995
  • Founder and Executive Chairman: Jim Bidzos
  • President and CEO: Mark McLaughlin
  • IPO: January 1998
  • Employees: 2,800 worldwide
  • 2008 Core Revenue: $948 million

Fast Facts:

VeriSign is part of the Standard and Poor's 500 index. VeriSign manages two of the world's 13 Internet root servers, and, considered national IT assets by the U.S. Federal government. VeriSign protects more than one million Web servers with digital certificates, protecting the majority of secure Web sites on the Internet, including 93% of the Fortune 500 sites. The VeriSign Secured® Seal is displayed by over 90,000 domains in 145 countries and viewed over 150 million times every day. Over 2.4 million VeriSign Identity Protection Credentials have been issued to use for strong authentication.