Council Decisions and Resolutions

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Date Topic Resolutions and Decisions
7 December 2017 Adoption: election report


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the Council Election Report FY 2018, including the recommendations contained in the report, and thanks Joke Braeken for her work as Election Process Manager.

7 December 2017 Adoption ToR


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED to adopt the Term of Reference for review of the ccNSO Meeting Strategy, including the proposed timeline. The ccNSO Council appoints the former members of the drafting team to the ccNSO Meeting Strategy Review team:

- Alejandra Reynoso

- Margarita Valdes Cortes

- Mira Fajriyah

- Jordan Carter

- Giovanni Seppia

7 December 2017 Approval: ccNSO membership .MU


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO approve the application for ccNSO membership by the ccTLD manager for .MU (Mauritius), and welcomes Internet Direct Ltd, as the 163rd member of the ccNSO.

7 December 2017 Membership to TLD-Ops Standing Committee: Régis MASSÉ


At the nomination of the chair of the TLD-OPS steering committee, Régis MASSÉ, is appointed as member of the TLD-Ops Steering Committee.

7 December 2017 Adoption of nomination report


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the Nomination Report, including the recommendation to resolve the issues identified by the Nomination Manager, and request the GRC to propose an update of the Guideline: ccNSO Nominations process Board seats 11 and 12 (September 2016) accordingly.

7 December 2017 Nomination ICANN Board: Nigel Roberts


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO nominate Nigel Roberts to be designated by the Empowered Community Administrative Committee to fill ICANN Board Seat number 12 starting at the end of ICANN's Annual General Meeting in 2018 for a term of three years.

1 November 2017 Consent Agenda

THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt all resolutions under items 5, 6 and 7 of its 1 November 2017 consent agenda.

THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the charter of the Strategic Operational Planning Committee, and request the Committee to review its membership in accordance with the rules in the charter. The secretariat is requested to inform the chair of the SOPC accordingly and archive the SOPWG charter

THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO mandate and request the ccNSO Guideline Review Committee (GRC) to review the Operating Standards for specific reviews and, if considered necessary by the GRC, prepare feed-back and input, for submission by Council. In addition, the GRC is mandated and requested to conduct an initial review of the current status of the implementation of the recommendations coming out of the first organizational review of the ccNSO, and inform the Council of its findings.

THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO appoint Stephen Deerhake, as the ccNSO Representative on the Empowered Community Administration, up and until the end of the ICANN61 meeting, and the chair is requested to the ICANN secretary, confirming Stephen's appointment

1 November 2017 Special Section Council Meeting 135-02:
  1. THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO request its chair and vice-chairs to develop a procedure for a background check for future candidate nominees for Board seat 11 and 12 of the ICANN Board of Directors. In developing such a procedure, the chair and vice-chairs are advised to look at the current similar procedures used by NomCom, ASO and ALAC, for the nomination of ICANN Board Members.
  2. Such a procedure shall be adopted by the ccNSO Council and after adoption included in the ccNSO Guideline Board election/nomination, whatever is appropriate at the time.
  3. After the ccNSO Council has adopted the procedure, the current ccNSO nominated Board members and candidate nominee(s) shall be asked to voluntary subject themselves to the adopted background check procedure.
1 November 2017 Appointment: ccNSO PDR Retirement WG

Intermeeting decision

THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO approve membership of Ann-Cathrin Marcussen (.no) to the ccNSO PDR Retirement Working Group.

The secretariat is requested to inform the co-chairs of the WG and take all other necessary steps to include Ann-Cathrin as a member of the WG.

19 October 2017 Travel Funding Test Criteria


As suggested by the ccNSO Guideline Review Committee, the ccNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO request the ccNSO Travel Funding Committee to test criteria to assess applications for travel funding and related mechanism as included in the latest version of the travel funding guideline proposed by the GRC on its effectiveness. The Travel funding committee is requested to report to Council and the GRC after closure of the next round application round.

21 September 2017 Appointment to CCWG Auction Proceeds Working Group

In December 2016, the ccNSO Council decided to appoint Ching Chiao as ccNSO appointed interim co-chair to the CCWG Auction proceeds. On 2 November 2017, at the end of the ccNSO Council meeting in Abu Dhabi, Ching steps down as NomCom appointed ccNSO Councillor.

THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO appoint Ching Chiao as ccNSO appointed co-chair to the cross-community working group Auction Proceeds (CCWG Auction Proceeds) and requests the chair of the ccNSO to inform the other chartering organisations and the CCWG Auction Proceeds accordingly.

21 September 2017 Adoption Amended Charter – TLD-OPS Standing Committee

The TLD-OPS Standing Committee has reviewed its charter. The current Charter was adopted in August 2015. Since 2015 the TLD-OPS and role of the TLD-Ops Standing Committee has evolved. This is now reflected in the updated charter.

THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the amended version of the TLD-Ops Standing Committee, and request the secretariat to adjust the revision number and publish the updated version charter.

21 September 2017 Appointment: ccNSO Meeting Strategy Working Group

Following the 24 August Council decision to start the preparation of the review of the ccNSO meeting strategy, the secretariat send out a call for volunteers, which closed Friday 15 September 2017. The following persons volunteered:
- Maragarita Valdes (former member ICANN meetings strategy working group, LAC)
- Alejandra Reynoso (chair ccNOS programme WG, LAC)
- Jordan Carter (AP)
- Mira Fajriyah (AP)
- Giovanni Seppia (EU)

THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO appoint Margarita Valdes, Alejandra Reynoso, Jordan Carter, Mira Fajriyah and Giovanni Seppia to propose terms of reference for the evaluation of the ccNSO meeting Strategy to date, and request Margarita and/or Alejandra to provide regular updates to the Council on progress of the drafting team.

21 September 2017 Letter to NomCom

In November 2008 the NomCom appointed an employee of a ccTLD manager that had no representative on the ccNSO Council at the time of appointment. Independent of the qualities of the appointee, the ccNSO Council decided to send a letter to the Board (see: to convey the view of the ccNSO Council on the role of NomCom appointees and the role of NomCom in seeking and appointing Councillors. In addition, in order to assist the NomCom, the ccNSO Council developed criteria for suitable candidates.

In 2012, the Chair of the NomCom at that time confirmed that the NomCom would be "avoiding any member already belonging to the cc management participating in the cc constituency" (Chair of the NomCom email to Chair of the ccNSO). In addition, the Chair of the NomCom 2013 requested input on additional requirements from a ccNSO perspective for appointing Councillors to the ccNSO Council. The Council re-iterated the earlier criteria: "To maintain the current balance the ccNSO Council strongly advises the Nominating Committee not to appoint members who are directly or indirectly associated with a ccTLD manager (either as a Board member, employee or advisor) nor Board member or employee of a Regional Organisation" (

The 2017 prospective Nominating Committee appointee to the ccNSO Council is a Board Member of the Canadian Internet Registry Association (CIRA). The proposed appointment fails to comply with the above quoted long standing criteria. Our concern is aggravated by the additional fact that the relevant ccTLD manager is already represented on the ccNSO Council by a Member unanimously elected by ccNSO members from that particular region.

Independent of the qualities of the recently NomCom appointed Council member, the ccNSO Council expresses its strong disappointment in the decision of NomCom that despite its earlier assurances it has appointed a person who is directly related with a ccTLD manager, which in addition already has a seat on the ccNSO Council. The Council re-iterates its grave concern that this appointment does not respect NomCom's role and mission to add independent people to the ccNSO Council. In addition, the ccNSO urges NomCom to indicate how they intend to assure that such an appointment will be avoided in future.

THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO request the Chair to draft a letter to the Chair of the Nominating Committee, the ICANN Board, and the appointee informing them of Council's views and that the proposed appointment is unacceptable to the ccNSO Council. This letter is to be adopted by Council before it is send.

9 September 2017 Support the observations and recommendations EPSRP working party

Intermeeting decision:

In its letter dated 24 April 2017, the ICANN Board of Directors noted divergent views of the SSAC and ccNSO with respect to the following topics: Interpretation of RFC 6912; On similarity findings, and On mitigation measures. The Board suggested the ccNSO and SSAC collaboratively arrive at conclusions on these 3 issues and requested a joint briefing to further the Board's understanding of the topic. The ccNSO and SSAC agreed to set up a working party with two members from each group tasked to develop a common position on the 3 topics, if feasible. Both the ccNSO Council and SSAC would approve the document according to their own rules and procedures and then would send and present it to the Board. The Chair of the ccNSO and ccNSO members on the working party were informed that SSAC has adopted the Joint ccNSO SSAC Response to ICANN Board on EPSRP as proposed by the working party.

THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO SUPPORT the observations and recommendations of the working party (see:) and adopts the Joint ccNSO-SSAC Response to ICANN Board on EPSRP as proposed by the working party. The ccNSO Council particularly welcomes the proposed changes to section 5.6.3 of the current version of the Fast Track Implementation Plan (

The ccNSO Council request its Chair to inform the Chair of SSAC accordingly, and jointly submit the Joint Response.

The ccNSO Council thanks and congratulates the members of the working party: Suzanne Woolf (SSAC), Jeff Bedser (SSAC), Hiro Hotta (ccNSO), Wafa Dahmani (ccNSO), for their work on the paper and for finding a common position.

24 August 2017 Adoption of timeline – ccNSO Council Election 2018


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the timeline as proposed for the general ccNSO Council Election 2018 and appoints Joke Braeken as Election Manager for that Election.

24 August 2017 Adoption of timeline – Board Seat 12


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO ADOPT the proposed timeline for the Board Seat 12 nomination procedure and appoints Joke Braeken as the Nomination Manager for the Board Seat 11 Nomination procedure

24 August 2017 Draft – terms of reference for ccNSO Review of the ccNSO Meeting Format


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO request the secretariat to send out a call for 3 volunteers who are to draft the terms of reference for a ccNSO review of the ccNSO meeting format, taking into account the experience of the last 6 meetings under ICANN's meeting strategy. Margarita Valdez and Alejandra Reynoso are requested to participate in this effort in their capacity as member of the former ICANN Meeting Strategy and chair of the ccNSO Program WG.

24 August 2017 Member selection: ATRT3

Intermeeting decision

Demi Getschko has been selected by the ccNSO Council to serve on the Third Review of ICANN's Accountability and Transparency (ATRT3)

17 August 2017 Participation in Work Track 5 (WT5)

Intermeeting decision

Annebeth Lange has been appointed by the ccNSO Council as co-chair to the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP Working Group within the GNSO

1 August 2017 ccNSO representative to the FY2018 NomCom

Intermeeting decision:

Based on the preferences received up until the deadline of 28 July 2017, 17:00 UTC, Pablo Rodriquez has been selected as the ccNSO representative to the FY2018 NomCom

20 July 2017 Appointment to PDP WG on Retirement


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO appoint Vadim A. Mikhaylov (.su) as member of the PDP WG Retirement.

20 July 2017 Adoption of Terms of Reference – Customer Standing Committee



The ccNSO and RySG will have to review the charter of the Customer Standing Committee, starting October 2017. To structure the review process, the ccNSO Council and RySG agreed to define the terms of reference for the review. Both ccNSO and RySG will appointed 2 members to an ad-hoc group that now has proposed the terms of reference for the first review of the CSC charter.

THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the Term of Reference as developed by the joint group of ccNSO and RySG: Terms of Reference Customer Standing Committee Charter Review version 1.0. The ccNSO Council request Abdalla Omari and Martin Boyle to remain member of the review team. The chair is requested to inform the RySG.

20 July 2017 Support of recommendations and adoption of final paper – CCWG Use of Country and Territory Names


At the ccNSO members meeting the recommendations of the CCWG Use of Country and Territory names to continue work on use of Country and Territory Names as TLDs were discussed and supported. However, the format to continue work is still under community discussion. Awaiting the outcome of that discussion the ccNSO Council defers the adoption of the final paper to the next meeting (July 2017).

THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the Final Paper of and support recommendation 1, 2 and 4:

1. Close this CWG in accordance with and as foreseen in the charter.

2. Recommend that the ICANN community consolidate all policy efforts relating to geographic names (as that term has traditionally very broadly been defined in the ICANN environment to this point) to enable in-depth analyses and discussions on all aspects related to all geographic-related names. This is the only way, in our view, to determine whether a harmonized framework is truly achievable.

4. Recommend that future policy development work must facilitate an all-inclusive dialogue to ensure that all members of the community have the opportunity to participate. Again, we believe that this is the only way to determine whether a harmonized framework is truly achievable.

The Council also request the ccNSO appointed members to the CWG to keep the Council abreast of the developments and advise the Council on next steps. The ccNSO Council thanks and congratulates the CWG and in particular its ccNSO appointed members and co-chair Annebeth Lange.

20 July 2017 Deferment – Letter CCWG Use of Country and Territory Names


At the ccNSO members meeting in Johannesburg the recommendations of the CCWG Use of Country and Territory names to continue work on use of Country and Territory Names as TLDs were discussed and supported. This also included the recommendation of the Study Group. However, as the format to continue work is still under community discussion, and interest of the ccTLD community in future efforts needs to be ensured THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO defer the decision whether to send the letter to its August meeting, and request the secretariat to organize the drafting of such a letter, which includes at a minimum consultation of the ccNSO appointed members on the CCCWG and interested Councillors.

29 June 2017 PDP: Appointment chair and co-chair


RESOLUTION: In accordance with charter PDP WG Retirement the WG members have nominated Nigel Roberts as chair and Eberhard Lisse as vice-chair. Both accepted the nomination.

Decision: The ccNSO Council appoints Nigel Robert (.gg and .je) as chair and Eberhard Lisse (.na) as vice-chair of the PDP WG retirement of ccTLDs.

29 June 2017 Appointment ccNSO Members CWG- Auction proceeds



Background - As chartering organization of the CWG- Auction Proceeds the ccNSO may appoint up to 5 members on this is cross-community working group. To date the ccNSO has two members on this WG.

Decision: The ccNSO Council appoints Stephen Deerhake (.as) and Pablo Rodriguez ( .pr) and Jian Zhian as ccNSO appointed members to the CWG Auction Proceeds.

29 June 2017 Appointment: Jacques Latour as the Chair of TLD-OPS Steering Committee


RESOLUTION: Background - Cristian Hesselman (.nl) will step down at the end of the meeting as chair of the TLD OPS steering committee. The members of this group unanimously nominated Jacques Latour (.ca). In addition the committee proposes that Brett Carr (.uk) replaces Cristina on the committee.

Decision: The ccNSO Council appoints Jacques Latour (.ca) as chair of the TLD-OPS steering committee and Brett Carr,.uk , as member of the TLD-OPS Steering Committee.

29 June 2017 Call for volunteers: ccNSO appointed member to NomCom FY 18



Background: The ccNSO will need to appoint a member to the NomCom for FY 2018 nomination process. Joerg Schweiger (current member) has served two terms and is therefore not eligible again.

29 June 2017 Deferment adoption of final paper – CCWG UCTN


At the ccNSO members meeting the recommendations of the CCWG Use of Country and Territory names to continue work on use of Country and Territory Names as TLDs were discussed and supported. However, the format to continue work is still under community discussion. Awaiting the outcome of that discussion the ccNSO Council RESOLVED TO defer the adoption of the final paper to the next meeting (July 2017).

29 June 2017 Deferment letter – CCWG UCTN



In September 2014 the Study Group recommended Council: In light of the need for further work on the treatment of country and territory names, the complexity of the issue at hand and the aforementioned inconsistencies between various ICANN policies, it is also recommended that the ccNSO Council request that the ICANN Board extend the current rule in the new gTLD Applicant Guidebook regarding the exclusion of all country and territory names in all languages, for consecutive rounds of new gTLD applications.

Council adopted this recommendation in 2014. Given the establishment of the CCWG UCTN, Council did not pursue this recommendation, awaiting the outcome of the deliberations and recommendations of the CCWG.


At the ccNSO members meeting the recommendations of the CCWG Use of Country and Territory names to continue work on use of Country and Territory Names as TLDs were discussed and supported. This also included the recommendation of the Study Group. However, as the format to continue work is still under community discussion, and interest of the ccTLD community in future efforts needs to be ensured the ccNSO Councils defers sending the letter to the next meeting (July 2017).

29 June 2017 Request GRC to finalize guideline



At the ccNSO members meeting the ccTLD managers present were extensively informed about the decision making of the ccNSO as Decisional Participant, the ccNSO decision during the Approval Action Decision Period and Rejection Action Approval Decision Period. The focus was on discussion of the role of membership and Council. The alternatives were:

  1. Only ccNSO Council to take approval action decision
  2. ccNSO Council decision on approval action subject to request of members vote and members vote (under rules of the ccNSO)
  3. Only members vote (no quorum, simple majority)

Following an extensive discussion, the vast majority of the ccTLD community present supports Alternative 2: ccNSO Council final decision in approval action process and rejection action petition process should be subject to request of member's ratification vote (under the 2004 rules of the ccNSO).


The ccNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO request the Guideline Review Committee to finalize the Guideline: ccNSO Procedure for the Exercise of the Empowered Community's rights to Approve Specified Actions and to develop the ccNSO internal rejection action procedure guideline taking into account the outcome of the consultation of the ccTLD community. The outcome is that the ccNSO Council final decision in approval action process and rejection action petition process should be subject to request of members ratification vote (under the 2004 rules of the ccNSO)

29 June 2017 Approval of ICANN Fundamental Bylaws Amendment to section 4.3 of the ICANN Bylaw.



On 23 May 2017 the ccNSO was notified of the Board Approval of Fundamental Bylaws Amendments section 4.3 of the ICANN Bylaws (

The text of the Fundamental Bylaws amendment is available and a reference included in the notification.

The ccTLD community was informed by the chair of the ccNSO ( of the intended amendment of a Fundamental Bylaw change and of the upcoming Approval Action Community Forum during ICANN 59.

Following the letter of the chair, 33 ccTLD managers expressed their support for the amendment and one expressed its abstention.

At the Approval Action Community Forum (27 June 2017) no objections were expressed to the amendment. At the ccNSO Session on the topic, the vast majority of the ccTLDs present supported the proposed Fundamental Bylaw amendment.


In accordance with section 6.1 (a) and Annex D section 1.4 (a) the ccNSO Council as one of the Decisional Participants, APPROVES the amendment of section 4.3 as proposed. This decision becomes effective 7 days after publication of this resolution on the ccNSO website. The chair of the ccNSO is requested to notify the Empowered Community Administration in writing of this decision as soon as possible and forward this notice to the Secretary.

29 June 2017 Support – presence and participation at ICANN60



After an extensive discussion, including but not limited to an in depth briefing by ICANN's meeting team, the ccTLD community present supports the continued ccNSO presence and participation at ICANN 60 (Abu Dhabi). The ccNSO Council will therefore continue to prepare for and assist in the organization of ICANN 60 and does not see terms to change the regular mode of participation.

29 June 2017 Support – continuation of CCWG WS2



The CCWG chairs requested the ccNSO to support continuation of the CCWG WS2 work, the decision was deferred from last meeting to sense the ccTLD community's level of support for the work undertaken in CCWG Work stream 2. At the ccNSO meeting at ICANN 59, the community present was in support of continuation.


The ccNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO continue support of the activities of the CCWG as proposed by the co-chairs of the CCWG and requests the chair to inform the co-chairs as soon as possible.

18 May 2017 Appointment members PDP Working Group


Background: The secretariat send out a call for volunteers to the relevant ccTLD and ccNSO email lists to volunteers as members of the PDP WG on retirement of ccTLDs. By closure of the call for volunteers, the following volunteers applied:

Nigel Roberts
Patricio Poblete
Dr Eberhard W Lisse
Stephen Deerhake
Peter Van Roste
Peter Vergote
Danko Jevtović
Mirjana Tasić
Martin Boyle
Tom Barrett
Wafa Dahmani
Abibu Ntahigiye
Svitlana Tkachenko
Barrack Otieno
Annebeth Lange
Nick Wenban-Smith
Barbara Povše
Debbie Monahan
Allan MacGillivray
Peter Koch
Garth Miller

If required person not directly related to a ccTLD, a ccTLD manger manager supported the membership application.

THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO appoint the applicants listed as members of the ccNSO Policy Development Working Group on the retirement of ccTLDs, and ask the ccNSO secretariat to inform them accordingly and set up an email list, and take all the other steps to start the WG.

4 May 2017 Appointed co-chair CCWG Accountability

Intermeeting decision:

The ccNSO Council has chosen Jordan Carter (.nz) to replace Mathieu Weill as the ccNSO appointed co-chair of the CCWG Accountability effective immediately.

15 March 2017 Initiate procedure to prepare submission – increase number of ccNSO travel slots


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED to initiate the ccNSO Council procedure to prepare a submission to the ICANN FY 2018 Budget and/or Operational Plan seeking an increase in the number of ccNSO traveling slots. The ccNSO Council designates Nigel Roberts as lead of the drafting team and request the secretariat to send out a call for volunteers to take part in the drafting team. In preparing the Council Statement the drafting team is requested to propose a reasonable number of traveling slots and the rationale for the proposed number.

15 March 2017 Deferment of ccNSO Organizational Review


Background: the ccNSO Council received a letter for the chair of the ICANN Board Organizational Effectiveness Committee (OEC), indicating that the ccNSO Council could defer the start of the ccNSO Organizational Review by twelve months. If so it would have to inform the OEC accordingly. Additional procedural steps will be involved, including a public comment period and board approval.

THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO request the Chair of the ccNSO to inform the Chair of the ICANN Board Organizational Effectiveness Committee that the ccNSO requests to defer the start of the ccNSO Organizational Review by twelve months.

15 March 2017 Initiation of PDP



At its meeting on 10 December 2015 the ccNSO Council discussed the launch of the formal ccNSO Policy Development Processes to address the lack of policy with respect to retirement of ccTLDs and Review Mechanism on issues of delegation, revocation and retirement of ccTLDs.

To increase the predictability and legitimacy of decision pertaining to the retirement of ccTLDs and in accordance with the recommendations of the ccNSO Delegation and Redelegation working group (DRDWG) in 20111, the void or lack of policy relating to the retirement of ccTLDs needs to filled by a policy developed by the ccNSO. However, at the time the DRDWG also recommended that such a ccNSO PDP should be launched following the development of a Framework of Interpretation of RFC 1591.

Assuming the IANA Stewardship Transition will be successful, a Review Mechanism should be in place rather sooner than later to ensure a redress mechanism for ccTLDs with respect to the most critical decisions pertaining to ccTLDs: delegation, revocation, transfer and retirement of a ccTLD. Until such time a policy this has been developed and is implemented, such a mechanism remains unavailable, whilst comparable decisions or similar decisions affecting gTLDs are subject to review and redress.

Following the initial discussions of Council, input and feed-back was sought from the community at the Marrakesh and Helsinki meetings. The community present was of the view that the initial focus needs to be on developing a Review Mechanism, which is considered the highest priority, in particular in light of the IANA Stewardship transition. Only then the focus should on retirement, and, if needed, revisit the Review Mechanism to include decisions relating to the retirement of ccTLDs.

  1. In accordance with Annex B section 3and 4 of the ICANN Bylaws, the ccNSO Council decides that:
    1. Based on a review of the issues, considering that the Threshold Criteria are met, and taking into account General Counsel's opinion, the Issues Manager recommendation to initiate one (1) ccNSO Policy Development Process to develop policies for a Review Mechanism and on the retirement of ccTLDs.
    2. The initial focus needs to be on developing a policy for Retirement of ccTLDs, and only after the substantive work has been concluded the focus should be on developing a recommendations pertaining to the Review Mechanism pertaining to decisions on delegation, transfer, revocation and retirement of ccTLDs.
    3. To appoint two working groups each with its own charter, working method and schedule.
  2. The secretariat is requested to send out a call for volunteers for the first WG, and invite other stakeholders listed in the relevant charter, to participate in the WG in the manner most suited to them.
  3. As required under Annex B, the Chair of the ccNSO is requested to formally inform the Chair of the GAC and ask the GAC to advise or provide an opinion.
  4. The chair of the ccNSO is requested to recommend the ICANN Board of Directors to defer any decisions pertaining to the retirement of a ccTLD until such a time the policy for the retirement of the ccTLD has been developed following this ccNSO PDP 3 and adopted and implemented by ICANN.
  5. The secretariat is requested is publish this resolution as soon as possible and upon publication it becomes effective.
15 March 2017 Working group interest – GAC Underserved regions WG


THE CCNSO COUNCIL expresses its interest to assist and participate the GAC Underserved regions WG to prepare a FAQ and high level informational document to explain procedures around delegation, transfer and revocation of ccTLDs.

Once details are better understood the secretariat is requested to send out an appropriate call for volunteers.

9 February 2017 Decision to support limited scope ATRT 3 review

Intermeeting decision

The ccNSO Council the suggestion to limit the scope of the ATRT3 review.

9 February 2017 Selection of ccNSO liaison to ALAC

Intermeeting decision

The ccNSO Council designated Wafa Dahmani, as its liaison to the At Large Advisory Committee, replacing Ron Sherwood.

9 February 2017 Guideline adoption: ccNSO Council Practices


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the ccNSO Guideline: ccNSO Council Practices as proposed by the ccNSO Guideline Review Committee (GRC WG)

The ccNSO Secretariat is requested to publish the Guideline as soon as possible on the ccNSO Website and inform the community accordingly. The adopted Guideline will be effective 7 days after publication of the Guideline on the ccNSO Website.

12 January 2017 Appointment – Ethos Awards Committee


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO appoint Margarita Valdes Cortes and Nigel Roberts as ccNSO members on the FY 17 ICANN Ethos Awards Committee

12 January 2017 Call for volunteers – ccNSO liaison to GNSO


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO request ccNSO secretariat to send out a call for a volunteer to fill the role as ccNSO appointed liaison to the GNSO. The secretariat is also requested to inform the GNSO Council accordingly. Finally, the ccNSO thanks Patrick Myles wholeheartedly for all his hard work and efforts and thanks to CENTR for allowing and supporting Patrick in his role.

12 January 2017 Adoption final report: EPSRP


  1. The ccNSO Council adopts the Final report of the ccNSO Extended Process Similarity Review Panel Working Group and the recommendations contained in that report.
  2. The chair of the ccNSO is requested to inform the chair of the ICANN Board of Directors accordingly, and further note that by submission of the requested guidance and refinement it has completed its work and considers the 3rd review of the Fast Track Process completed. Thirdly the Board should be requested to discuss and decide on the overall IDN ccTLD policy recommendations as submitted to the Board in September 2013, as foreseen in Annex B section 15 of the ICAN Bylaws to replace the Fast Track Process.
  3. The Members, observers and other participants of the WG EPSRP are thanked wholeheartedly for their hard work, and the working group is closed. The secretariat is requested to inform the WG accordingly and publish this resolution as soon as possible.