Charter of the ccNSO IANA WG

1. Description

The IANA Working Group of the ICANN Country Code Names Supporting Organization (ccNSO IANA WG) focuses on the service provided by IANA to ccTLDs so that it meets their expectations.

2. Goal

The goals of the working group are:

  • To monitor the ccTLD related services provided by IANA and, if considered necessary by the WG, to make recommendations for the improvement of the services;
  • To facilitate discussions on issues relating to the IANA function which are of interest to the ccTLD community;
  • To provide information and input to the ccNSO on matters of relevance to IANA and ccTLDs.

3. Scope

To achieve its goals the working group will undertake the following activities with the IANA:

  • Review of and recommendations to IANA of improvements on IANA procedures for ccTLD zone file changes (excluding the delegation and redelegation of ccTLD operators);
  • Review of, and recommendation of, improvements to the metrics used to monitor IANA service performance;
  • Review of and recommendation to IANA of improvements to the mechanisms for interaction between ccTLDs and IANA;
  • Liaise with the relevant entities in the community to increase awareness and promote ccTLD expectations about IANA service;
  • Other activities deemed to be necessary by the working group to achieve its goal.

4. Duration

It is anticipated the working group is established for an undetermined time. If the working group determines that it has completed its work, or that it cannot achieve its goals, it will submit a final report to the ccNSO and recommend closure of the working group.

5. Work plan

At the beginning of each calendar year the working group will develop a work plan for its activities during that year. After consultation of the ccTLD community, the work plan will be presented to the ccNSO Council for approval. The Chair of the working group may update the work plan during the year if the working group is of the opinion it needs to undertake a new activity, and informs the ccNSO Council accordingly.

6. Chair, Membership and Support

ccNSO IANA WG membership is open to all ccTLDs, regardless of their membership of the ccNSO. There are two ccTLD members per ICANN Geographic Region in the working group.

A rotation of one-third of the working group members each year is implemented. Working group members will step-down according to a scheme adopted by the ccNSO Council. The scheme will be updated every year and is attached to this Charter.

The Chair of the working group is proposed by the working group’s members, and appointed by the ccNSO Council for a term of one year.

IANA appoints a liaison to act as a point of contact between IANA and the working group, and can designate additional representatives to participate in the working group.

The ccNSO Secretariat supports the Working Group.

7. Working Group Meetings & Communication

Working group meetings will be organised by the working group chair. If an inperson meeting is considered to be necessary, it will be held in conjunction with an ICANN meeting. The WG will also use its own email list and the working group chair will report to each ccNSO meeting about activities undertaken by the working group, and progress on the work plan.

8. Review of Charter

The Charter of the working group will be reviewed on a regular basis by the ccNSO. The working group may propose changes to the Charter to the ccNSO for adoption.

Attachment A: Step down scheme for ccTLD members.

Africa seat 1 2 year 2008 3 year 2011
Africa seat 2 3 year 2009 3 year 2012
North America seat 1 1 year 2007 3 year 2010
North America seat 2 3 year 2009 3 year 2012
Europe seat 1 1 year 2007 3 year 2010
Europe seat 2 3 year 2009 3 year 2012
Asia Pacific seat 1 2 year 2008 3 year 2011
Asia Pacific seat 2 3 year 2009 3 year 2012
Latin America seat 1 2 year 2008 3 year 2011
Latin America seat 2 1 year 2007 3 year 2010

If the term of a ccTLD member has expired, the member can be re-appointed for one more term. In the event there are more applicants than seats for a given region, the IANA WG Chair will ask the candidates to work it out amongst themselves. Should this fail a regional election will be organised by the ccNSO Council.

ccTLD Members:

Chair: Olivier Guillard, .fr

Africa: Ali Drissa Badiel, .bf ( seat 1 Term 1) and Calvin Browne, (seat 2, Term 1).

Asia Pacific: Shinta Sato, .jp (seat 1, Term 1) and Han Sang Lee, .kr (seat 2, Term 1).

Europe: Lesley Cowley, .uk (seat 1,Term 2) and Olivier Guillard, .fr (seat 2, Term 1).

Latin America: Sebastian Castro Avila, .cl (seat 2, Term 1) and Frederico Neves, .br (seat 1, Term 1).

North America: Keith Drazek, .us (seat 2, Term 1 ) and Oscar Moreno, .pr (seat 1, Term 2)

IANA members: Kim Davies, designated point of contact
David Conrad,
Barbara Roseman

Gabriella Schittek
Bart Boswinkel