Call for Volunteers: Join the ccNSO Policy Gap Analysis Working Group (PGA WG)

28 June 2024

The Country Code Names Supporting Organization (ccNSO) welcomes volunteers to a new working group: the ccNSO Policy Gap Analysis Working Group (PGA WG).

ABOUT THE PGA WG | The objective of the PGA WG is to identify, analyze, and advise Council if and how to address gaps in existing ccNSO policies policies, guidance or practices pertaining to the delegation, transfer, revocation and retirement of ccTLDs, and other related IANA Naming Functions for ccTLDs. For details regarding the background, its scope and objective, read the PGA WG Charter as adopted by Council during meeting 206, or join our webinar.

WEBINAR | Potential members are kindly invited to a 30 minute webinar, on Wednesday, 3 July 2024 at 14 UTC. You will be informed on how to join the WG, the required skill set, the topics that will be addressed, and the working methods.
Please register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. The recording of the Zoom webinar will be published here:

WHO SHOULD APPLY? | Are you related to a ccTLD and interested in the IANA Naming Function policies & practices relating to ccTLDs? Apply now. The basic requirements are:

  • Have an understanding of ccNSO policies and procedures.
  • Are able to commit the necessary time and effort to participate actively in the working group.
  • Are willing to collaborate and work effectively in a team.

One of the members is expected to be a ccNSO Councillor. The ccTLD regional organizations may nominate a liaison. The Chair of the WG may invite other ICANN Supporting Organisations (SO) and/or Advisory Committees (AC) or constituencies to appoint a participant. It is expected that IANA staff will be involved with this work as experts.

TIME COMMITMENT | The committee will meet on a bi-weekly basis. By volunteering you commit to participate in and contribute to the meetings and to the work in between those meetings.
The PGA WG expects to report to the community during ICANN 81.

HOW TO APPLY | If you are interested in joining the ccNSO Policy Gap Analysis Working Group, please submit your application by Tuesday, 16 July 2024 (23:59 UTC). To apply, complete the form here
You will be asked to provide your full name and contact details, your ccTLD affiliation, and a brief statement outlining your qualifications and motivation for joining the PGA WG.

NEXT STEPS | Members shall be appointed by the ccNSO Council after closure of the call for volunteers. Additionally, all members and participants to this working group will have to complete a Statement of Interest (SOI). Fill out the form here:

Join us in this important effort regarding the policies that support the ccTLD community. If you have questions, please contact us at