Council Decisions and Resolutions

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Date Topic Resolutions and Decisions
19 December 2018 membership: PDP Retirement Working Group

Intermeeting decision

The ccNSO Council approves membership of Teddy Affan Purwadi (.id) to the ccNSO PDP Retirement Working Group. The secretariat is requested to inform the co-chairs of the WG and take all other necessary steps to include Teddy as a member of the WG.

6 December 2018 Council Election Report


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the Council Election Report FY 2019, notes the observations, and thanks Joke Braeken for her work as Election Process Manager. By this adoption the election process 2019 is closed.

The ccNSO Council congratulates the elected candidates:

  • AF Region: Biyi Oladipo (.ng)
  • AP Region: Jordan Carter (.nz)
  • EU Region: Nick Wenban-Smith (.uk)
  • LAC Region: Demi Getschko (.br)
  • NA Region: Pablo Rodriguez (.pr)

The Council notes that elected candidates will take their seat at the end of the Council meeting at ICANN64 meeting in Kobe.

The chair of the ccNSO is requested to inform the ICANN Secretary and candidates accordingly and invite the future Councillors for the upcoming Council workshop at the Kobe meeting.

6 December 2018 Adoption – Terms of Reference


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the Terms of Reference for the ccNSO Community Onboarding Programme as proposed. The Council requests the secretariat to publish

this resolution and Terms of Reference as soon as possible and send out a call for volunteers as proposed.

6 December 2018 Reaffirmation interim candidate – IFRT


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO re-confirm selection of the interim candidate on the IFRT up and until a representative of a non-ccNSO ccTLD manager who will meet the required skill-set and expertise, would volunteer and be selected by Council. The Council requests ICANN to seek approval form the appointing organizations, as suggested in the ICANN letter dated 22 October 2018. The Council requests its Chair to inform ICANN accordingly.

6 December 2018 Adoption – Guideline


THE CCNSO RESOLVED TO adopt the Guideline: ccNSO selection and Appointment Liaisons, and thanks the GRC for their work on this Guideline. The secretariat is requested to publish the Guideline as soon as possible. In accordance with the Rules of the ccNSO the Guideline will become effective 7 days after publication.

6 December 2018 Appointment – Mentor Fellowship Program


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO appoint Alejandra Reynoso (.gt) as ccNSO representative and Mentor on the ICANN Fellowship Programme, up and until March 2020. The Secretariat is requested to inform ICANN staff accordingly.

20 November 2018 appointment - ccNSO Meetings Programme Committee

Intermeeting Decision

The ccNSO Council approves membership of the candidates included below to the ccNSO Meetings Programme Committee (MPC). The secretariat is requested to inform the Committee chair and take all other necessary steps to include the volunteers as members of the MPC.

  • Jean Nahum Constant (.ht)
  • Ajay Data (NomCom appointed councillor)
  • Dmitry Kohmanyuk (.ua)
  • Leonard Obonyo (.ke)
  • Souleymane Oumtanaga (.ci)
  • Guðrun Poulsen (.fo)
  • Barbara Povše (.si)
  • Ignacio Velazquez Guachire (.py)
  • Jian Zhang (NomCom appointed councillor)
20 November 2018 Appointment – ccNSO Guidelines Review Committee (GRC)

Intermeeting decision

The ccNSO Council approves membership of the candidates included below to the ccNSO Guidelines Review Committee (GRC). The secretariat is requested to inform the Committee chair and take all other necessary steps to include the volunteers as members of the GRC.

  • Mamothokoane Tlali (.ls)
  • Segun Akano (.ng)
  • Jannett Ibañez Flores (.bo)
  • Jian Zhang (NomCom appointed councillor)
5 November 2018

CCEG Charter and decision to rescind from the CCWG IG / CCEG

Intermeeting Decision

The ccNSO Council decides not to support the CCEG Charter and to rescind from the CCWG IG / CCEG.

Taking into account the high level of support by the ccTLD managers present in Barcelona for continued lightweight coordination and the recognised need to liaise with different groups under the ICANN umbrella and other groups deemed relevant to coordinate the sharing of basic information on Internet Governance events considered relevant by the ccTLD Community, the ccNSO Council requests its Chair to propose the Terms of Reference for a lightweight coordination/liaison committee. The committee should include at least two Council members and one member of the broader community. The effectiveness of the committee will be reviewed one year after it has been established.

The ccNSO Council requests the Secretariat to publish this resolution as soon as possible after adoption. In accordance to the rules of the ccNSO (, the decisions in this resolution will become effective seven days after publication of these decisions by the Council. For the interim, the Chair of the ccNSO is requested to inform the co-chairs of the CCWG IG and the other chartering organizations of this decision of the ccNSO Council under the assumption that this decision will become effective and subsequently, after seven (7) days, whether the decision has become effective.

24 October 2018

Consent Agenda

The resolutions proposed under item 4, 5, 6 and 7 on the 24 October 2018 agenda are adopted.

Resolution: The ccNSO Council requests the secretariat to launch calls for volunteers for the ccNSO Meeting Programme Committee and Guideline Review Committee, starting 5 November 2018 and closing 16 November 2018. The volunteers will be appointed by the Council.

Resolution: The ccNSO Council appoints Abdalla Omarri (.ke) as member of its Triage Committee, and – after she has taken her seat on Council – Laura Margolis (NomCom) on the ccNSO Travel Funding Committee.

Resolution: The ccNSO Council expresses its interest to participate in the 2019 Leadership Programme and requests and mandates the Chair and Vice-Chairs to select two suitable candidates, one form Council and one of the WG/Committee chairs.

Resolution: The ccNSO Council expresses its interest to participate in the ICANN Academy 2019 Chairing Skills Program and requests and mandates the Chair and Vice-Chairs to select two suitable candidates, one form Council and one of the WG/Committee chairs.

24 October 2018 Adoption: Final WS 2 Recommendations


Taking into account the very high level of support by the ccTLD managers present in Barcelona (with no indication of objection), the ccNSO Council supports and adopts the Final WS 2 Recommendations by the CCWG Accountability as included in the Final Report as submitted on 24 June 2018.

The ccNSO Council requests the secretariat to publish this resolution as soon as possible after the closure of this ccNSO Council meeting. In accordance to the rules of the ccNSO (, the decisions in this resolution will become effective seven days after publication of these decisions by the Council. For the interim, the chair of the ccNSO is requested to inform the co-chairs of the CCWG-Accountability and the other chartering organizations of this decision of the ccNSO Council under the assumption that this decision will become effective and subsequently, after seven (7) days, whether the decision has become effective.

The ccNSO Council wholeheartedly thanks all members and participants of the CCWG-Accountability for their perseverance and hard work to deliver the Final Report.

24 October 2018 GRC Mandate


The ccNSO requests and mandates the ccNSO Guideline Review Committee to implement the CCWG Accountability WS 2 Recommendations with respect to Diversity and SO/AC Accountability independent of whether the Final Report is adopted by all other chartering organisations and the ICANN Board of Directors, starting with the Accountability Recommendations. The GRC is requested to inform the Council and broader community on progress at the next face to face meeting in Kobe.

24 October 2018 Mentor/Mentee program


The ccNSO Council requests the ccNSO Secretariat and Alejandra Reynoso and Margarita Valdes to draft the Terms of Reference for a ccNSO mentor/mentee Committee, which will further develop the main activities identified, and to be presented at the next Council meeting.

24 October 2018 Acceptance ccNSO Membership application .td (Chad)


The ccNSO Council approves the ccNSO membership application by Agence de Developpement des Technologies de l Information et de la Communication ADETIC, the ccTLD manager of .td (Chad) and welcomes ADETIC as the 169th member of the ccNSO.

20 September 2018 Revised Charter


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO support the proposal to rename the ccNSO Meeting Programme WG to ccNSO Meeting Programme Standing Committee and adopts the updated charter/Terms of Reference.

20 September 2018 Adoption – Draft Statement


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the draft Statement on GNSO PDP subsequent procedure WT 1-4 Interim Report, as proposed/with proposed amendment on use of single character, single digit combinations:

"Given the close relation with two-letter code-elements and issues of confusing similarity, the ccNSO Council strongly suggests the current reservation be maintained. At a minimum, this issue needs to be further discussed under Work Track 5." The ccNSO Council chair is requested to submit the Statement and inform the community.

20 September 2018 Adoption – Template


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the proposed Template to determine the Customer Standing Committee (CSC) Effectiveness Review as required under the Bylaws and the Charter of the CSC. Further, the ccNSO Council appoints Debbie Monahan (.nz) and Martin Boyle (.uk) as the ccNSO members of the Effectiveness Review Team. The Chair of the ccNSO is requested to inform the GNSO Council accordingly and, if the GNSO Council also adopts the Template, together with the Chair of the GNSO Council inform the ICANN Board of Directors, the President and CEO of ICANN and the CSC accordingly.

20 September 2018 WG Membership

Intermeeting decision

The ccNSO Council approves membership of Alyssa Moore (.ca) to the ccNSO PDR Retirement Working Group.

23 August 2018 Election timeline


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the timeline Council Elections FY 2019 as proposed, and requests the secretariat to publish the timeline and start the procedure accordingly.

23 August 2018 Election manager


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO appoint Joke Braeken as the Election Manager for the FY 2019 ccNSO Council Elections.

23 August 2018 Appointment: NomCom FY19

Intermeeting decision

THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the selection report as provided by the secretariat and confirms the selection procedure was concluded as directed by Council. The Chair is requested to inform the Chair of the NomCom and relevant ICANN staff that Pablo Rodriguez has been appointed as ccNSO Member on NomCom FY19. The ccNSO Council wants to thank all candidates for applying.

2 August 2018 Intermeeting decision

The ccNSO Council approves Peter Koch (.de) to be the chair of the ccNSO Study Group on Use Emoji as Second Level Domains. The secretariat is requested to inform the Study Group and to take all other necessary steps to include Peter as chair.

27 June 2018

Consent Agenda

The resolutions proposed under item 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 on the 27 June 2018 agenda are adopted.


The ccNSO Council appoints Régis Massé (.FR) as vice-chair of the TLD-Ops Committee, taking effect immediately. The secretariat is requested to inform the TLD-OPS Committee.

The ccNSO Council appoints Jordan Carter (.nz) as member of the Strategic and Operational Planning Committee. The Secretariat is requested to inform Jordan and the SOPC.

The ccNSO Council appoints Brent Carey (.nz) as member of the ccNSO PDP Retirement WG. The Secretariat is requested to inform Brent and the ccNSO PDP Retirement WG.

The ccNSO Council adopts the report of the ccNSO Special Election Manager and congratulates Giovanni Seppia with his election to the Council. Giovanni will take his seat at the end of this ccNSO meeting for the remainder of the term of Nigel Robert, until March 2020.

The ccNSO Council adopts the timeline and selection procedure as proposed for the appointment of the ccNSO member of FY 19 NomCom.

27 June 2018 Adoption: CSC Charter Review Final Report


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED to adopt the Final Report of the CSC Charter Review Team, including its recommendations. The ccNSO Council ratifies the changes made to the CSC Charter as a result of the Charter Review Process. The ccNSO Council requests its Chair to inform the GNSO Council of this decision as soon as is it has become effective in accordance with internal Rules of the ccNSO, and work with the GNSO Council on a way to inform ICANN, PTI and the CSC accordingly on behalf of both the ccNSO and GNSO Councils. The ccNSO Council requests the secretariat to publish this decision as soon as possible.

Finally, the ccNSO Council thanks the CSC Review Team wholeheartedly for their hard work and timely conclusion of the CSC Charter Review.

24 May 2018 Adoption of Guideline


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the Guideline: ccNSO Procedure for the Exercise of the Empowered Community's rights to Reject Specified Actions as submitted by the ccNSO Guideline review Committee. The Council thanks the GRC for its hard work, in particular Stephen Deerhake. The Council requests the secretariat to publish this decision and guideline as soon as possible.

24 May 2018 Appointment of Liaison to GNSO


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO appoint Adebiyi Oladipo (.ng) as ccNSO liaison to the GNSO and requests the Chair to inform Adebiyi and the GNSO Council accordingly. Further, the ccNSO Council requests the Guideline Review Committee to review and update the relevant guideline to include terms for appointment.

24 May 2018 Study Group Appointment


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO appoint all volunteers [study group on use of emoji as top level domains], and requests the secretariat to inform the appointees accordingly. The chair of the ccNSO is requested to inform ICANN Org and SSAC accordingly. The Chair is also requested to extend through the chair of SSAC an invite to members of SSAC to participate in a personal capacity or any other way they find appropriate.

24 May 2018 Adoption of Timeline


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the timeline as proposed for the selection of a new ccNSO appointed member on the CSC, and request the secretariat to launch the call for volunteers at the time foreseen in the schedule and in accordance with the mechanism in the Guideline: ccNSO Actions respecting the Customer Standing Committee.

The ccNSO Council also decides to opt for a selection committee with the mandate to consult with the RySG and GNSO Council and approve the full slate of membership. The secretariat is requested to invite Councillors (one from every region, and one NomCom appointed Councilor) to volunteer.

The secretariat is further requested to inform the community as soon as possible on the upcoming CSC member nomination and selection process

24 May 2018 Initiation of Statement


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO initiate the ccNSO Statement procedure to provide input and feed-back on the Short term adjustment and Long-Term adjustment of the schedule of reviews. The GRC is requested to prepare a draft Statement to be finalized by the Council

15 May 2018 Special European Council Election

Intermeeting decision

THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO appoint Joke Braeken, ccNSO Secretariat, as Election Manager for the Special European Council Election. The call for nomination should be sent out on Tuesday, 22 May 2018 and, hence, follow the schedule as proposed to include a Q & A session at the Panama ccNSO meeting. The Election Manger is requested to inform the ccNSO members in ICANN's European Region accordingly and publish the timeline on the ccNSO website.

26 April 2016 Adoption – 2018-2020 Work Plan


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the annual work plan as reflected in the ccNSO Activities Portfolio 2018-2020. The secretariat is requested to publish it and inform the community accordingly. The secretariat is further requested to provide the monthly work plan as soon as feasible following adoption of the annual work plan and in accordance with the relevant ccNSO Guideline

26 April 2016 Call for volunteers: Study Group on use of emojis as second level domains


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO request the secretariat to send out a call for volunteers as soon as possible. The Chair is requested to inform ICANN and SSAC about this step accordingly and invite relevant ICANN Org staff and individuals from SSAC who are interested to participate in the Study Group in a way they fit.

26 April 2016 Final report – ccNSO Meeting Strategy Review Working Group


The ccNSO welcomes the final report of the ccNSO Meeting Strategy Review Working Group and thanks the group for its hard work and timely report. The ccNSO Council adopts the recommendations contained in the report, and will send them to the ccNSO meeting Programme WG and will request that group to implement the recommendations to the extend reasonably feasible.

29 March 2018 Appointment – PDP Working Group

Intermeeting decision

The ccNSO Council approves membership of Liz Williams (.au) to the ccNSO PDP Retirement Working Group. The secretariat is requested to inform the co-chairs of the WG and to take all other necessary steps to include Liz as a member of the WG.

14 March 2018 Appointment: ccNSO Review Working Party


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED to apoint Jelena Ožegović, Ahlam Abu-Jadallah, Adebiyi Oladipo, Mirjana Tasic, Nigel Roberts, Tinuk Andriyanti Asianto, and Stephen Deerhake to the ccNSO Review working party. In addition, the Secretariat is requested to seek reconfirmation of those persons who were appointed in January 2107.

14 March 2018 Call for volunteers – Guideline Review Committee


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED to request the Secretariat to send out a call for volunteers as soon as possible to invite new members to the Guideline review committee

14 March 2018 Appointment: COP


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED to appoint its chair, vice-chair, and Alejandra Reynoso as selection committee for the ccNSO mentor and mentee for the Community Onboarding Pilot (COP) Program for ICANN62

14 March 2018 Adoption of Roles and responsibilities overview


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED to adopt the roles and responsibilities overview and assigns these to the Councillors as listed, with exception of the chair and vice-chair(s).

14 March 2018 Work plan


With respect to the work plan, the Chair and Secretariat are requested to complete the draft prior to the next meeting for discussion and adoption, taking into account the results of the Council Workshop

14 March 2018 Request: GRC


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED to request the ccNSO Guidelines Review Committee to provide an overview of the different methods used to date by other ICANN communities, including NomCom, to screen their candidates for the ICANN Board and advise on a method to be included in the Guideline: Board Nomination Procedure.

5 March 2018 RDS/WHOIS2 specific reviews participation

Intermeeting decision


In May 2017 the ccNSO Council informed the ICANN Board of Directors that it did not consider itself to be in a position to nominate volunteers to the RDS/WHOIS2 review team for the following reasons (see:

  • Unclear scope and process to define scope. The scope of the RDS /WHOIS 2 review has been defined.
  • Concurrent processes relating to RDS /WHOIS.
  • Impact of EU GDPR and its implementation. The ccNSO expected that the GDPR and its required implementation would have a major impact on RDS and hence on any review, implying that any review of current processes and policies would be affected by the GDPR.

The Chair of the ccNSO was approached by the RDS/WHOIS review team to consider participation by the ccNSO, as the Review Team has almost agreed on the terms of Reference for the review.

The ccNSO Council discussed the request to consider participation at its meeting on 18 January 2018. The consensus view at the meeting was that at least 2 out of the 3 concerns are still outstanding, with the major one being the impact of the General Data Protection Regulation and its potential impact on WHOIS/RDS, including the recommendations of the first WHOIS review.

The ccNSO Council decides that the ccNSO will not participate in the RDS/WHOIS2 specific review. The ccNSO Council requests its chair to inform the chairs of the other participating Supporting Organisations and Advisory Committee and other relevant parties. The ccNSO Council thanks the volunteers who sought endorsement of the ccNSO.

26 February 2018 Adoption - ToR

Intermeeting decision

THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the Terms of Reference for the ccNSO Study Group on use Emoji as second level domains. The call for volunteers will be revisited at the next meeting of the Council.

26 February 2018 Approval – membership application form

Intermeeting decision

THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO approve the updated version (item 11 of the background material meeting 15 February) of the ccNSO Membership application form. As soon as this decision has become effective (7 days after publication), the ccNSO Secretariat is requested to replace the current form with the newly approved version.

26 February 2018 Adoption - Guideline: ccNSO Council Election Procedure

Intermeeting decision

THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the proposed Guideline: ccNSO Council Election Procedure, which will become effective 7 days after publication of the decision on the ccNSO website. As soon as it has become effective the ccNSO Secretariat is requested to post the guideline on the ccNSO Guideline page, archive the current guideline and inform the community accordingly.

13 February 2018 Appointment additional members SOPC

Intermeeting decision

The ccNSO Council approves membership of Landry Kouadio Assi (.ci), Mary Uduma (.ng), Barbara Povše (.si), Russell Haworth (.uk) and Liz Williams (.au) to the ccNSO Strategic and Operational Planning Standing Committee (SOPC). The secretariat is requested to inform the SOPC chair and take all other necessary steps to include the additional volunteers as members of the SOPC

5 February 2018 Appointment additional member PDP Retirement WG

Intermeeting decision

The ccNSO Council approves membership of Nenad Orlić (.rs) to the ccNSO PDR Retirement Working Group. The secretariat is requested to inform the co-chairs of the WG and take all other necessary steps to include Nenad as a member of the WG.

2 February 2018 Adoption ccNSO Statement on draft Operational Standards

Intermeeting decision

Submitted 2 February 2018. Document can be found here.

22 January 2018 Adoption requirement document NomCom appointees to the ccNSO Council

Intermeeting decision

Submitted to NomCom on 22 January 2018 (document can be found here)

18 January 2018 Working group closure


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO formally closes the GAC-ccNSO Liaison Working Group and request the secretariat to take all steps to effectuate this decision. For the record, the Council thanks all listed and former members of this Working Group.

18 January 2018 Working group participation


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO request members of the ccNSO GRC to participate in the working party that will act as point of contact and organize the ccNSO activities pertaining to the upcoming (2018) second ccNSO Organisational review. In addition, the secretariat is requested to send a call for volunteers to the ccTLD community, for additional members of the working party.

18 January 2018 Reconfirmation of SOPC members


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO reconfirm the following persons as members of the Strategic Operational Planning Committee for the term of 2 years:

  • Wafa Dahmani, .tn
  • Irina Danelia, .ru
  • Rosalia Morales, .cr
  • Andreas Musielak, .de
  • Philip Du Bois, .be
  • Roelof Meijer, .nl
  • Pablo Rodriguez, .pr
  • Giovanni Seppia, .eu (Chair)
  • Barrack Otieno, AfTLD
  • Leonid Todorov, APTLD
  • Michael Vassilakis, .gr
  • Stephen Deerhake
18 January 2018 Topic: Reinstall EPSRP


THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO re-install the working party EPSRP and mandates its chair to seek 2 volunteers that could provide feed-back and comments on the implementation details for the amended "Final Implementation Plan for IDN ccTLD Fast Track Process".

18 January 2018 Appointment of new Chair



The current chair of the ccNSO Policy Development Process Working group on retirement of ccTLDs Nigel Roberts has been designated to become a member of the ICANN Board of Directors and as such recused from being chair of the PDP WG on retirement of ccTLDs. Stephen Deerhake was nominated by the members of the WG to replace him as chair.

Following the nomination of the working group members, THE CCNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED TO appoint Stephen Deerhake as chair of the ccNSO Policy Development Process Working group on retirement of ccTLDs no later than by 15 March 2018, 23.59 UTC