Call for Volunteers to Ad-hoc Charter Drafting Group, 1 July 2010

30 June 2010

The ccNSO is looking for volunteers for an Ad-hoc Charter Drafting Group.

The Drafting Group is expected to define a charter for the planned community-wide Security and Stability Analysis Working Group, which will, once established, include representatives from the GNSO, GAC and ALAC.

Those of you who are interested in joining the Charter Drafting Group - please, send an email to by the 16th July 2010 at the latest.

The ccNSO is looking for about five people to join this group, a regional balance would be appreciated. You do not need to be a ccNSO member to join the drafting group.

Should we receive a lot more volunteers than needed, the ccNSO Council will take final decision on who will be appointed.