Council Decisions and Resolutions

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Date Topic Resolution Decision
10 December 2015 No Objection of CWG-Stewardship overseeing implementation


THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to expresses its non-objection to the CWG-Stewardship to proceed with overseeing the implementation as described in its letter November 2015 to the chartering organisations.

10 December 2015 Adoption of Nominations


THE COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the Nomination and Election Report Nominations and Elections to ccNSO Council 2016 and congratulates:

  • Abibu Ntahigiye (.tz) African Region
  • Debbie Monahan (.nz) Asia-Pacific Region
  • Peter Vergrote (.be) European Region
  • Demi Gethschko (.br) Latin American and Caribbean Region
  • Becky Burr (.us) North American Region with their election


19 November 2015 Adoption of Election Report – Latin American and Caribbean Region


THE COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the Election Report for the Special Council Elections for the Latin American and Caribbean Region to replace Victor Abboud, and thanks Gabriella Schittek for her hard work as Special Election Process Manager.

19 November 2015 Adoption of Election Report – North American Region


THE COUNCIL RESOLVED TO adopt the Election Report for the Council Special Council Elections for the North American Region to replace Dotty Sparks de Blanc, and thanks Gabriella Schittek for her hard work as Election Process Manager

19 November 2015 Appointment to the Tech Working Group


THE COUNCIL RESOLVED TO appoint Stephen Deerhake (.as) as members of the Tech Working Group.

19 November 2015 Appointment to the EPSRP Working Group


THE COUNCIL RESOLVED TO appoint Wafa Dahmani Zaafouri (.tn) and Hiro Hotta (.jp) as members of the Working Group Extended Process Similarity Review Panel.

21 October 2015 Approval of application from .tk (Tokelau) as 157th member of the ccNSO


THE COUNCIL RESOLVED TO approve the application of the ccTLD manager of .tk and welcomes Telecommunications Tokelau Corporation (Teletok), the ccTLD manager for .tk (Tokelau) as 157th member of the ccNSO.

21 October 2015 Appointment of ccNSO Travel Funding Committee member


THE COUNCIL RESOLVED TO appoint Celia Lerman Friedman as member of the ccNSO Travel Funding Committee.

21 October 2015 Appointment of Councilor to oversee membership application process.


THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to appoint Abibu Ntahigiye as Councilor to oversee the ccNSO membership application process.

21 October 2015 Appointment of members to the IDN Guideline review working group


THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to appoint the following persons as ccNSO members on the IDN
Guideline review working group:

  • Mats Dufberg (.se)
  • Pablo Rodriguez (.pr)


21 October 2015 Approval of timeline for special Council election


THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to adopt the timeline for the special ccNSO Council election for the North American region for the remainder of the seat term, March 2017.

21 October 2015 Appointment of election manager


THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to appoint Gabriella Schittek as Election Manager for the ccNSO Council Election Process 2016.

24 September 2015 Appointment of Working Group Extended Process Similarity Review Panel member


THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to appoint Vaggelis Segredakis (.gr) as member of the Working Group Extended Process Similarity Review Panel. For the record it re-confirms the appointment of Giovanni Seppia (.eu) as member. The chair of the WG EPSRP is requested to find additional members of this WG. The secretariat is requested to inform the volunteers and update the webpage and email list.

24 September 2015 Appointment of members to the Oversight Committee of the TLD-Ops mailing list


THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to appoint the following persons as Oversight Committee of the TLD-Ops mailing list:

  • Cristian Hesselman, .nl
  • Erwin Lansing, .dk
  • Jacques Latour, .ca
  • Frederico Neves, .br
  • Abibu Ntahigiye, .tz
  • Geng-Da Tsai, .tw
  • Ali Hadji Mmandi (.km)


24 September 2015 Appointment of NomCom Candidate


THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to adopt the secretariat report on the selection of the ccNSO delegate on ICANN's NomCom FY 2016. The secretariat is requested to inform the NomCom and candidates as soon as possible on the appointment of Joerg Schweiger (.de).

24 September 2015 Adoption of report


THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to adopt the report on the selection process for candidates for the ICANN leadership training by the leadership training ad-hoc committee

24 September 2015 Call for volunteers – IDN Guideline review committee


THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to request the secretariat to send out a call for volunteers as soon as possible for two members on ICANN's IDN Guideline review committee. The call for volunteers should include a reference to the requirements included the ICANN announcement ( In the event more then two volunteers put their name forward during the call for volunteers, the ccNSO Council will select the two members by an email decision making process, similar to what was used for the selection of the ccNSO appointed delegate on ICANN's NomCom.

11 September 2015 Working Group EPSRP

Intermeeting decision

The ccNSO Council adopts the proposed charter for the Working group to provide guidance on aspects string similarity review – (WG EPSRP) and request the secretariat to send out a call for volunteers, which should takes into account the requirements listed in the charter. The ccNSO Council appoints Giovanni Seppia (.eu) as chair of the WG.

The ccNSO Council also request its chair to invite the GAC and SSAC as participation organization in the WG in order to meet the relevant request of the ICANN Board resolution of 25 June 2015 to involve GAC and SSAC and as envisioned in the charter.

4 September 2015 Appointment of ccNSO NomCom Candidate

"(per email) THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to adopt the following procedure for the call for nominations and for the appointment of the ccNSO candidate on the ICANN Nominating Committee:

1. The ccNSO secretariat is requested to send out a renewed call for nominationsto ccTLD community by sending an email to the ccNSO members list and ccTLD community list. The call should include a reference to this Council resolution, and clearly state that representatives from ccTLD managers may self-nominate. This call for nominations should close one (1)week after the day it has been sent. Nominations, which have already been submitted, will remain valid and added to the set of nominations from the additional call for nominations.

2. One day after closure the secretariat will send the list of candidates and their CVs to the Council, requesting each member of Council to select one (1) candidate within a week after the secretariat submitted the list of candidates by email vote. The candidate receiving the majority of votes will be appointed. If two or more candidates receive the same number of votes, there will be additional rounds of voting, until one candidate has received a majority of the votes. The email vote is to be conducted by sending an email to Bart Boswinkel, ccNSO Senior Policy Advisor, indicating their preferred candidate.

3. After completion of the vote, the candidates, the chair of the NomCom and community will be informed accordingly.

Further, the ccNSO Council requests its chair to inform the chair of the ccNSO Guideline Review Committee of the matters that have arisen in the context of the ccNSO Guideline on Appointment of delegate of the Nominating Committee, and to request the Review Committee advise Council on a practical and sustainable procedure for the nomination and selection of delegates/candidates before the next appointment to the NomCom is expected to be due (August 2016)."

20 August 2015 Approval of SECIR Final Report


THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to approve the SECIR Final Report and recommendations. The resolution states:

  • The ccNSO Council adopts the SECIR Final Report and the recommendations contained in it. The ccNSO Council thanks the SECIR WG members and secretariat for their hard work and turning the project into a success. The secretariat is requested to inform the SECIR WG accordingly
20 August 2015 Adoption of Purpose of Statement TLD-OPS Standing Committee and call for volunteers.


THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to adopt the Purpose of Statement TLD-OPS Standing Committee and call for volunteers. The resolution states:

  • The ccNSO Council adopts the proposed charter for the TLD-Ops Standing Committee and request the secretariat to send out a call for volunteers, which should take into account the requirements listed in the charter/purpose statement of the TLP-Ops Standing Committee. The ccNSO Council also accepts the offer of the members of the SECIR WG to act as TLD-Ops Standing Committee until such time, Council appoints the members of TLD-Ops following the call for volunteers.
20 August 2015 Adoption of ccNSO Council election timeline


THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to adopt the timeline for the ccNSO Council election 2016 as proposed.

20 August 2015 Retention of Gabriella Schittek as Election Manager for Council Election Process 2016


THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to retain Gabriella Schittek as Election Manager for the ccNSO Council Election Process 2016.

20 August 2015 Appointment of SOP WG Members


THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to appoint the following persons as members of the Strategic and Operational working group (SOPWG):

  • Barrack Otieno, AfTLD
  • Pablo Rodriguez, .pr
  • Dotty Sparks de Blanc, .vi
  • Michael Vassilakis, .gr
24 June 2015 Support for the CWG Proposal


The ccNSO Council notes and welcomes the exemplary, long and intensive consultation efforts and process the CWG-Stewardship went through to gather input and feed-back from the community and wholeheartedly thanks all members and participants of the CWG-Stewardship for all its hard work. Taking into account the outreach, engagement and consultation efforts of the CWG-Stewardship, the outreach and engagement efforts of the ccNSO appointed members on the CWG-Stewardship, and the ccNSO and Regional ccTLD Organizations, and taking into account the extensive consultation of the ccTLD community present in Singapore and Buenos Aires, the ccNSO Council is in a position to take a decision on whether it supports the submission of the CWG-Stewardship Proposals to the ICG.

The ccNSO Council notes the unanimous support for the CWG-Stewardship Proposal by the ccTLD community present at the sessions on the topic at the Buenos Aires joint meetings of the ccNSO and Regional Organizations. Taking into account the unanimous support by the ccTLDs present for CWG-Stewardship Proposal, the ccNSO Council supports that the CWG-Stewardship submits its Final Proposal <> to the IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group. The ccNSO Council support is based on the assumption that the CWG-Stewardship Final Proposal is conditional upon the implementation of ICANN-level accountability mechanisms substantially in the form listed in the Final Proposal section 106, and which are part of the ICANN-level accountability mechanisms (Work Stream 1) being developed by the CCWG-Accountability and moreover that: These mechanisms will need to be supported by the ccNSO and; Approved by the ICANN Board and; All required bylaws amendments will need to be adopted before the transition and; All other required implementation be completed before the transition or, if not implemented beforehand, that there will be irrevocable commitments of such implementation to be complete within a reasonable time period after the transition, not to exceed one year.

Following the submission of the Final Report of the CCWG-Accountability on Work Stream 1 and subsequent ccNSO consideration of the proposals of the CCWG-Accountability, the ccNSO Council will communicate the results of these deliberations to the ICG, ICANN Board and NTIA, as necessary, to confirm whether or not the conditionality requirements as set out in the CWG-Stewardship Final Proposal have been met from a ccNSO perspective.

The ccNSO Council recommends that the CWG-Stewardship only be formally closed upon submission, by the ICANN Board, of the final transition proposal to the NTIA, thus allowing the CWG-Stewardship to provide input to the ICG and/or ccNSO should any questions or issues arise before that time.

The ccNSO Council requests the secretariat to publish this resolution as soon as possible after the closure of this ccNSO Council meeting. In accordance to the rules of the ccNSO (, the decisions in this resolution will become effective seven days after publication of these decisions by the Council. For the interim, the chair of the ccNSO is requested to inform the co-chairs of the CWG-Stewardship of decisions of the ccNSO Council under the assumption the decision is effective and subsequently, after seven (7) days, whether the decision has become effective.

24 June 2015 Approval of .bn Membership Application


The ccNSO Council approves the application of the ccTLD manager of .bn and welcomes Brunei Darussalam Network Information Centre Sdn Bhd, the ccTLD manager for .bn (Brunei) as 156st member of the ccNSO.

24 June 2015 FoI Implementation Advisory Team


Taking into account and under the assumption that the ICANN Board will task ICANN staff to start the implementation of the Framework of Interpretation (FOI), and anticipating that the ccNSO Council will be requested to appoint a small advisory team of experts to assist ICANN staff, the ccNSO Council resolved to appoint the former chair and vice-chair of the FOIWG, Keith Davidson and Becky Burr, as the ccNSO FOI implementation advisory team. In this capacity they are requested to regularly update Council and the broader community on progress made with respect to the implementation of the FOI. The secretariat was requested to inform relevant ICANN staff of this appointment.

24 June 2015 Guideline Retirement


At the suggestion of the Guideline Review Committee (GRC) and taking into account that during the update by GRC to the community present there were no objections, the ccNSO Council retires the ccNSO Guideline Interaction Strategic and Operating Plan, 5 November 2008, and requests the secretariat to archive the Guideline as retired on the ccNSO website.

24 June 2015 Additional Volunteers to GRC


The ccNSO secretariat is requested to send out a call for volunteers to the community as soon as possible to seek additional volunteers to the Rules And Guidelines Review Committee.

21 May 2015 Letter from ccNSO Chair to CWG/CCWG Chairs


The ccNSO Council request its chair to send a letter to the chairs of the CWG – Stewardship and CCWG Accountability, which addresses the following points:

  • The CGW-Stewardship and CCWG-Accountability are requested to note and advise in their final reports those issues that are specifically pertaining to ccTLD policies, which will need resolution or clarification after the IANA transition.
  • The CWG-Stewardship and CCWG Accountability are not expected to resolve these and other policy issues, which are within the policy remit of the ccNSO.
21 May 2015 Approval of Non-Councillor's Email Subscription


In accordance with the Guideline for ccNSO General meetings section 10, the ccNSO Council approves subscription of NomCom appointees and other Councilors not subscribed to the ccNSO members email list, for the duration of their on the ccNSO Council.

23 April 2015 Appointment of ccNSO co-chair CCWG IG


The ccNSO Council appoints Young Eum Lee (.kr) as the ccNSO appointed co-chair of the CCWG IG. The secretariat is requested to inform the other co-chairs and the membership of the CCWG IG accordingly.

23 April 2015 Non-Objection of CCWG IG Interpretation


THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to expresses its non-objection to interpret the section on observers in the CCWG IG charter to mean: "In addition, the CCWG-IG will be open to any interested person as a participant. Participants may be from a chartering organization, from a stakeholder group not represented in the CCWG-IG, or may be self-appointed. Participants will be able to actively participate in and attend all CCWG-IG meetings, work groups and sub-work groups. However, should there be a need for a consensus call or decision, such consensus call or decision will be limited to CCWG-IG members appointed by the chartering organizations."

19 March 2015 Adoption of Annual Work Plan


THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to adopt the annual Work Plan and schedule and to request its Secretariat to update the Work Plan monthly and in accordance with the ccNSO Guideline to maintain, update and review the ccNSO Work Plan.

11 February 2015 Approval of .vg Membership Application


THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to approve the application of the ccTLD manager of .vg and welcomes Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of the Virgin Islands and its representative Olivier Fries as the 153th member of the ccNSO.

11 February 2015 Appointment New SOP Members


THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to appoint Andreas Musielak (.de) as member of the ccNSO Strategic and Operational Planning Working Group (SOP WG).

11 February 2015 Appointment SOP WG Chair


THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to appoint Giovanni Seppia (.eu) as chair of the ccNSO SOPWG, and requests him to regularly attend the ccNSO Council meetings, specifically for the related part on the agenda and to liaise between the SOPWG and Council. The secretariat is requested to inform the SOPWG membership of Giovanni's appointment. The secretariat is also requested to ensure Giovanni is invited in a timely manner.

11 February 2015 Appointment of Candidates to Ethos Panel


THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to appoint Young Eum Lee (.kr) and Celia Lerman Friedman as ccNSO appointed members on the Ethos Panel. The secretariat is requested to inform the nominees and relevant ICANN Staff accordingly.

11 February 2015 Support for FoI WG Work


THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to express its final support for the "Framework of Interpretation" to provide more accurate and detailed analysis of the existing policies for the delegation, transfer and revocation of country code Top Level Domains.

11 February 2015 Sharing of FoI Final Report


THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to provide the Framework of Interpretation as an input to both the CWG-Stewardship and CCWG-Accountability working groups, with the request that the Framework and relevant recommendations from the report be incorporated into their work, including into the Service Level Agreement that will be included in the proposal for the IANA Transition Plan.

11 February 2015 Empower FoI Report Submission


THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to empower its chair and Keith Davidson, former chair of the FOIWG, to recommend the Final Report of the FOIWG to the ICANN Board of Directors, if they consider that the terms of the GAC Communiqué are compatible with such recommendations.

11 February 2015 Adoption of Updated Roles and Responsibilities


THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to adopt the assignment of tasks as proposed in the assignment of roles and responsibilities February 2015.

11 February 2015 Election of ccNSO Chair.


THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to re-elect Byron Holland as Chair of the ccNSO.

11 February 2015 Election of ccNSO Vice-Chair.


THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to re-elect Katrina Sataki as Vice-Chair of the ccNSO.

11 February 2015 Election of ccNSO Vice-Chair.


THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to re-elect Keith Davidson as Vice-Chair of the ccNSO.

26 February 2015 Approval of .gd and .sc Membership Application (per email)

Intermeeting decision

THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to approve .gd (Grenada) and .sc (Seychelles) as members of the ccNSO.

22 January 2015 Appointment of RGC Members


1. The ccNSO Council appoints the following volunteers as members of the Review Guideline Committee:

  • Lesley Cowley, Councillor
  • Nelson Juarez, .ni
  • Daniel Kalchev, .bg
  • Katrina Sataki, .lv
  • Eduardo Santoyo, .co
  • Margarita Valdes, .cl

The Secretariat is requested to inform the nominees and update the relevant webpage accordingly.

2. The ccNSO Council appoints Katrina Sataki, as chair of the Review Guideline Committee.

22 January 2015 Appointment of Members IGCC


1. The ccNSO Council appoints the following members as members of the ccNSO Internet Governance Coordination Committee:

  • Carolina Aguerre, LACTLD (Observer);
  • Dina Beer, .il;
  • Nina Elser, CENTR (Observer);
  • Toilem Poirot Godwin, .ke;
  • Govind, .in;
  • Ali Hadji Mmadi, .km;
  • Giovanni Seppia, .eu;

The Secretariat is requested to inform the nominees and update the relevant webpage accordingly.

2. The ccNSO Council appoints Maureen Hilyard as observer to the ccNSO Internet Governance Coordination Committee.