The mission of the ccNSO IANA Stewardship Transition and Accountability Coordination Committee (ISTACC) is to:
- Coordinate the ccNSO and broader ccTLD efforts to participate in and provide timely input into the IANA Stewardship Transition Process and Enhancing ICANN's Accountability Process,
- Coordinate efforts to reaching out and engaging the broader ccTLD community in the aforementioned processes, and finally,
- Coordinate the interrelation between the processes from a ccNSO and broader ccTLD perspective.
Latest Documents and Announcements
14 October - Overview of Dublin sessions related to CWG, CCWG and ICG
7 September - ccNSO Council Submission on ICG IANA Stewardship Proposal
25 June - Adobe Connect Recording ccTLD Webinar on CCWG 2nd Draft proposal
Upcoming Meetings and Events
Relevant Processes and Groups