
Type of Content
Title Date Sort ascending Classifications Entities
IDN ccPDP Interim Report Open for Public Comments Announcement ccNSO
.FO Joins as Newest Member of the ccNSO Announcement ccNSO
Framework of Interpretation Working Group Telephone Conference Agenda Agenda ccNSO, Working Groups / Teams, Framework of Interpretation (FoI)
IDN ccNSO Policy Development Process | Interim Report Report, Interim / Status ccNSO, Working Groups / Teams, IDN
Capacity Building Study Group Telephone Conference Audio ccNSO, Working Groups / Teams, Informal Study Group on ccNSO Capacity Building
ccNSO Election Process Review Telephone Conference Notes ccNSO
ccNSO Activity Summary January 2013 Announcement, Summary ccNSO
Contact Repository Implementation Working Group Telephone Conference Notes ccNSO, Working Groups / Teams, Contact Repository Implementation (CRI)
Contact Repository Implementation Working Group Telephone Conference Audio ccNSO, Working Groups / Teams, Contact Repository Implementation (CRI)
Study Group on Use of Names for Countries and Territories Telephone Conference Audio ccNSO, Working Groups / Teams, Study Group on Use of Names for Countries and Territories