Welcome to the website of the country code Names Supporting Organisation (ccNSO)!
Here you can find more information about us – who we are and what we do. On this website you can also find out how to get involved in our activities. Any ccTLD is always welcome to participate in the ccNSO, in its working groups, and in its meetings. We are an open constituency and we stand for our values. We need to remember how much ccTLDs have contributed to the strengthening of the multistakeholder collaboration model, to the policy development and to the improvement of processes within ICANN.
The main strength of the ccNSO is the ability to listen to the community and the willingness to respond to the challenges and changes of the DNS environment that has become more dynamic following the introduction of new gTLDs and the many other evolutions of the Internet. Topics like delegation/transfer of ccTLDs, IDN ccTLDs, the participation of the ccNSO in the new IANA transition and ICANN accountability scenarios are just few examples of the items the ccNSO will have to deal with in the mid and long-term. Your contribution to this work will be greatly appreciated.
We are lucky to have an excellent Secretariat with great experience and expertise in the ccTLD environment.
Any ccTLD will find support, advice and comfort here!
Katrina Sataki
ccNSO Chair