Election Notice: ccNSO Council, Asia-Pacific Region

30 October 2020

This is to inform you about the elections for the position of ccNSO council member for the Asia-Pacific region. Voting in the first round starts on Tuesday, 03 November 2020 (00:01 UTC) and closes on Tuesday, 17 November 2020 (23:59 UTC), as per the timeline approved by the ccNSO Council.

In accordance with the applicable rules, three (3) candidates from the Asia-Pacific region were nominated, seconded and have accepted their nomination. Consequently, an election will be held among the ccNSO members of the Asia-Pacific Region according to the timeline previously agreed upon by the ccNSO Council. Only ccNSO members from a Geographic Region are allowed to vote for candidates to the ccNSO Council from that Geographic Region.


In alphabetical order:

The candidates were invited to submit candidate statements to the ccNSO members. They interacted with the ccNSO members and broader ccTLD community at a Q&A session, held during the ccNSO Members Meeting at ICANN69.  Consult the recording here.

Election opening and closing

Voting in the first election round starts on Tuesday, 03 November 2020 (00:01 UTC) and closes on Tuesday, 17 November 2020 (23:59 UTC), as per the timeline approved by the ccNSO Council.

Election procedure

The vote will be by confidential email. Voting ballots will be sent by tally@icann.org to the e-mail address of the primary contact of each ccNSO Member from the Asia-Pacific region, as listed in the ccNSO Members database. If you are unable to locate the ballot, consider checking your spam folder. Contact Joke Braeken (joke.braeken@icann.org) if you have questions or concerns regarding the e-mail address of the primary contact for your ccTLD

Since the election is for one seat, each ccNSO member will be entitled to vote for up to one candidate. For each ballot, a maximum of 1 candidate can be selected.  There is a possibility to submit your ballot without selecting any of the candidates.  Each primary contact will receive 1 ballot only. You can vote an unlimited number of times, but only the last vote submitted will be counted.

As per the relevant guideline, a majority of all ccNSO members in the Geographic Region entitled to vote shall constitute a quorum, and the selected candidate must receive the votes of a majority of those cast by ccNSO members within the Geographic Region.

Next Steps

The election closes on Tuesday, 17 November 2020 (23:59 UTC).  The Election Manager will announce the voting results on Wednesday, 18 November 2020 (latest by 23:59 UTC).  In case there is a need for a second voting round, or in case there is a tied vote, elections will be held, according to the following timeline:
Start run-off elections, if any: Thursday, 19 November 2020 (00:01 UTC)
Close run-off elections, if any: Thursday, 26 November 2020 (23:59 UTC)

The Election Report, which includes the results of the election, will be sent latest 4  December 2020 to the ccNSO Council for adoption. The Chair of the ccNSO Council shall inform the ICANN Secretary of the selection.
