Webinar on New ccNSO Rules: Save The Date

24 November 2021

The ccNSO Guidelines Review Committee subgroup on Rules invites the ccTLD Community to join a public webinar on Thursday, 9 December 2021 at 13:00 UTC, to present their final draft of the updated ccNSO Rules. Based on the feedback, the Working Group will finalize its draft, which will then be put before the ccNSO membership for adoption through a voting process.

Webinar information

Date: Thursday, 9 December 2021
Time: 13:00 UTC
Join meeting: https://icann.zoom.us/j/94200072453pwd=Z3pOd1NMMm5GQXc0VDR0NlRmWGR2dz09


The new Rules will have a direct impact on the governance structure of the ccNSO, specifically on the respective roles and responsibilities of the Council and ccNSO membership. ICANN72 marked the 4th ccNSO Governance Session, building on the previous sessions at ICANN69, ICANN70 and ICANN71, where the ccNSO Council and Members have been discussing the need to update the internal rules of the ccNSO, which were adopted in 2004. A ccNSO Working Group held various consultations with the ccNSO membership to identify issues, find solutions and to update about progress.