Latest news from the ccNSO Meetings Programme Committee

21 July 2022

At its ICANN74 meeting, the ccNSO Council appointed a new leadership team of the ccNSO Meetings Programme Committee (MPC). Everton Rodrigues (.br) succeeds Barbara Povse (.si) as Chair of the MPC, whereas Guðrun Poulsen (.fo) was re-confirmed as MPC Vice Chair.

Looking back at ICANN74

One of the first actions the new leadership team undertook together with the MPC members, was to evaluate the community feedback received regarding the ccNSO Members meeting and ccNSO sessions at the ICANN74 Policy Forum, held 13-16 June 2022 in The Hague. The MPC surveyed attendees online — both about what they found missing and what they found uniquely attractive. ICANN74 marked the first hybrid ICANN public meeting since the start of the covid-19 pandemic. The overall feedback provided via the satisfaction survey and otherwise was positive: The audience largely appreciated the topics covered, the overall session flow and the hybrid format of the meeting, recognising its limitations and elements for improvement. The MPC appreciates the feedback provided by survey respondents: your input is valuable, and helps in shaping future ccNSO Member Meetings. The overall goal is to ensure that the ccNSO programme meets the expectations of the ccTLD community. The MPC is exploring the organisation of a public post-meeting evaluation for ICANN75, open to all interested. Consult the ICANN74 satisfaction survey results here.

Preparing for ICANN75

The MPC is currently preparing the ccNSO programme for the ICANN75 Annual General Meeting held 17-22 September in Kuala Lumpur. Potential topics for discussion at ICANN75 include, among others, a session on the role of the ccNSO with respect to Universal Acceptance, a session on ccNSO policy development, as well as a discussion on legislation on geographical indicators and the impact on ccTLDs. Moreover, the MPC is pleased to announce the return of the popular ccTLD News Sessions as part of the ICANN Meeting schedule. Details about the sessions at ICANN75 will become available on the ccNSO workspace prior to the meeting. Stay tuned for further ccNSO announcements, including calls for presentation proposals.