The ccNSO Internet Governance Liaison Committee (IGLC) welcomes new volunteers. This call for volunteers closes Friday, 24 January 2025 (23:59 UTC).
Potential IGLC members and those who want to learn more about the work of the committee are kindly invited to a 1-hour webinar, hosted by Chair Annaliese Williams (.au). You will be informed on how to join the Committee, the required skill set, the topics that will be addressed by this group, and its working methods.
JOIN WEBINAR | The webinar will be held on Tuesday, 21 January 2025 at 08:00 UTC. To join, register here: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Recordings will be posted here.
ABOUT IGLC | The IGLC has been established to coordinate, facilitate, and increase the participation of ccTLD managers in discussions and processes pertaining to Internet Governance. The Committee will take a proactive role in seeking and fostering participation and input into the processes and provide regular feedback to the ccNSO Council, ccNSO members and broader ccTLD community.
COMPOSITION & TERM | Membership of the IGLC is open to representatives of ccTLD managers, members and non-members of the ccNSO alike. The ccNSO Council will appoint the members of the committee.
Every year, to be determined by the IGLC, the members of the Committee will be asked whether they want to continue to serve thereon. If considered necessary for the continuity of the work of the Committee, the Chair of the Committee may invite the ccNSO Council to request that the Secretariat publish a call for volunteers. The ccNSO Council will then appoint the proposed new members.
HOW TO APPLY | If you are interested in joining the IGLC, please submit your application by Friday, 24 January 2025 (23:59 UTC). To apply, complete the form here.
You will be asked to provide your full name and contact details, your ccTLD affiliation, and a brief statement outlining your qualifications and motivation for joining the committee.
Secondly, to facilitate your participation in the ccNSO representing your ccTLD, we will require an ICANN Account, which is the ccNSO's and ICANN's platform to manage participation. If you already have an ICANN Account (e.g. for registering at ICANN meetings), please login to your ICANN Account using the email address that you use for your ccNSO work and verify that your profile is up to date. If you do not have an ICANN Account or are unsure, please create an ICANN Account at your earliest convenience.
Additionally, all members and participants to this working group will have to complete a Statement of Interest (SOI). Fill out the form here.
NEXT STEPS | Members shall be appointed by the ccNSO Council after closure of the call for volunteers. If you have questions, please contact us at
LINKS | Find the IGLC charter and further information here.