Invitation to participate in ccNSO Universal Acceptance activities

09 September 2024

This is an invite to participate in the Country Code Names Supporting Organization (ccNSO) initiative on Universal Acceptance (UA): the ccNSO UA Committee (UAC).

The initiative provides the country code top-level domain (ccTLD) community with a platform to interact and share information on UA and Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs), whether as top-level domains, or as second- or lower-level domains. The UAC does not set any policy or standards, as these fall within the remit of individual ccTLDs and are therefore outside the scope of the ccNSO.

Since its creation in September 2023, the focus of the UAC has been to create a library to share UA-relevant information by and for ccTLDs. The library includes links to tools, articles, reports and more. We invite you to have a look.
But there is more! The Committee has launched a dedicated email list, open to all persons associated with a ccTLD - whether ASCII or IDN - with an interest in UA and IDNs. The list will be used to regularly inform you about new additions to the UA library, discussions, and upcoming UA events for ccTLDs.

If you or anyone else in your organization is interested in IDNs and/or UA, we invite you to participate in any of these UAC activities in a manner that suits you:

  • Firstly, use the UAC library
    The library is a useful resource on UA-related topics. You can do both searches and suggestions for content in the library. For more information, see the dedicated wiki pages.
  • Secondly, become a UAC member
    The UAC is open to anyone associated with an (IDN) ccTLD manager or operator, regardless of whether your ccTLD is a member of the ccNSO. Your active participation will help ccTLDs worldwide in their efforts related to IDNs and UA. If you or anyone else is interested, please email any of us or
  • Thirdly, stay informed
    We invite you or individuals in your organization to subscribe to the dedicated ccNSO UA email list. For more information, see the dedicated wiki pages.

Together, we can help ccTLDs to work towards a more inclusive and accessible internet for users everywhere.

If you want to join UAC or find out more about the committee, please email

On behalf of the ccNSO Universal Acceptance Committee

Abdalmonem Galila, Chair UAC
Regina Fuchsová, Vice Chair UAC