ccNSO Council – launches PDP 4.0

15 January 2020


Adopted 14 January 2020


In September 2013 the ccNSO submitted the IDN country code policy development process (ccPDP 2) Board Report in September 2013 to the ICANN Board of Directors.

The recommended policy ccPDP2 contains two parts:

  1. Proposals (at a high level) for the criteria and requirements for the IDN ccTLD string selection and activities, roles, and responsibilities of the actors involved in the string selection and string evaluation processes and procedures.
  2. Proposals to enable the inclusion of IDN ccTLD in the ccNSO.

By mutual understanding, the ccNSO Council and the ICANN Board allowed the Fast Track Process to evolve to test and gain experience with the policy aspects pertaining to the introduction of IDN ccTLDs under the Fast Track Process to further inform the overall policy, specifically with results of the different reviews of the Fast Track process[1].

In March 2019 the ccNSO Council tasked a team (PRT)to review ccPDP2 in light of the evolved Fast Track Process, request of the ICANN Board of Directors with respect to IDN Variants and other relevant developments and advise the Council on whether to launch an additional Policy Development Process to address open issues, if any

The PRT advised Council to launch a ccNSO Policy Development Process (ccPDP4) to address the various items it had identified, including the de-selection of IDN ccTLD strings.

In order to implement the adopted PRT recommendations the ccNSO Council requested the ICANN Board of Directors to agree to take no additional steps with respect to ccPDP2 and stop the evolution of the Fast Track Process. In November 2019 the ICANN Board confirmed this approach.

Following the initial discussions of Council, input and feed-back was sought from the community at the Kobe (ICANN64), Marrakesh (ICANN65) & Montreal (ICANN66) meetings. The community present was of the view that (IDN) ccPDP4, should be launched and focus should be on the (de-)selection of IDN ccTLD strings and management of variants of selected IDNccTLD strings and limited to the Items identified by the ccNSO Preliminary Review Team.


  1. In accordance with Annex B section 1 of the ICANN Bylaws the ccNSO Council requests an Issue Report, which should address the following topics:

    1. whether or not the ccnso should initiate the ccnso policy development process on the (de-)selection of idn cctld strings (ccpdp4) and other areas listed in the final report of the preliminary review team and, with respect to the de-selection be guided by and build-upon the process for the retirement of cctlds.

    2. whether or not to convene a taskforce or use other method to address these issues.

    In addition, if the conclusion of the Issue Report is to initiate a ccNSO Policy Development Process, the ccNSO Council requests that the Issue Report include a proposed time line for conducting each of the stages of PDP outlined in Annex B of the ICANN Bylaws (PDP Time Line).

  2. In preparing the Issue Report, and in proposing a time line for conducting each stage of ccPDP4 the Issue Manager should take into consideration and be guided by the following documents:
  3. The ccNSO Council expects the Issue Report by its February 2020 meeting.
  4. In accordance with Annex B section 2 of the ICANN Bylaws the ccNSO Council appoints Bart Boswinkel, VP Policy Support – ccNSO relations, as Issue Manager.
  5. The secretariat is requested is publish this resolution as soon as possible.