Suggestions and comments on overview of various policies and practices that may be relevant for ccTLDs

09 December 2024

As part of its mandate the ccNSO policy gap analysis working group has developed an overview of various policies, policy related advisories and interpretation, and practices that may be relevant for ccTLDs. In addition, mechanisms are included that may support a ccTLD in structuring its relationship with ICANN. The purpose of this effort is to provide a single point of entry to look for the documentation of those policies etc.

As stated during the session at ICANN81 in Istanbul, the working group is now looking for your feedback and input, if any, before finalizing the overview and making it publicly available on the ccNSO website.

The document is available in 3 formats (pdf, google doc [] and word ) to assist you in reviewing it and to provide comments, if any. If you have any comments or feed-back, please email by 17 January 2024.