Heads up: ICANN76 Governance Session materials are out now

08 March 2023

The ccNSO Guidelines Review Committee (GRC) seeks your feedback on the proposal regarding the ccNSO Statement of Interest (SOI) procedure for ccNSO community members who participate in ccNSO working groups or committees. You are invited to review the enclosed materials, and to participate in the ccNSO Members Meeting Governance Session at ICANN76 to discuss the proposals and next steps. Ahead of the session, your feedback in response to this email is welcomed. During the session, we will use Zoom polling.

ABOUT THE ICANN76 GOVERNANCE SESSION The focus of the ICANN76 Governance Session will be to seek input from the ccTLD community on the proposed ccNSO Statement of Interest (SOI) procedure for ccNSO community members who participate in ccNSO working groups or committees and inform about the ccNSO Conflict of Interest (COI) procedure for Council. In addition to the SOI/COI discussions, the committee chair Sean Copeland (.vi) will have a fireside chat with Marika Konings (VP, Policy Development Support) and Karen Lentz (VP, Policy Research and Stakeholder Programs) about the ccNSO role with respect to the implementation of policies developed through a ccNSO Policy Development Process.

SOI: WHAT IS THIS ABOUT? During previous ccNSO Governance Sessions during ICANN Public meetings, the ccNSO explored potential ccNSO COI and SOI procedures, and their impact. Based on community input received and consultations with other supporting organisations and ICANN org, the GRC developed a plan which will be presented during the ccNSO Members Meeting Governance Session at ICANN76. The GRC proposes a lightweight and meaningful SOI for active members and participants in the community. Highlights are listed below, and further details are enclosed, for your review and comments.

After ICANN75, the GRC reflected on the language of the SOI template, and is now bringing forward a Positive Disclosure process to promote trust and transparency. If adopted, it will apply to members and participants in ccNSO working groups and committees. As new working groups are created, it will become part of the administrative announcements to enquire about changes to a person's SOI. Similarly, if needed, active members will be asked to update their SOI annually using a web form or other methods.

WHAT ARE THE NEXT STEPS? During ICANN76, the GRC will present the proposals, consult with attending ccTLDs, and discuss next steps. Depending on community feedback, the ccNSO Council will discuss the proposals during their meeting on Thursday, 16 March 2022.

HOW TO PROVIDE YOUR FEEDBACK? Between now and ICANN76, the ad hoc committee also welcomes your feedback on the ccNSO members mailing list. Join the discussion during the upcoming Governance Session, held on Tuesday, 14 March 2023 | 20:00-21:00 UTC (15:00-16:00 local). To attend, please register for ICANN76. Zoom participation links will be available 24 hours prior to session start times. Session materials and recordings will be available on the ICANN76 website as well. During the session, we will use polling, to collect feedback from the ccNSO Members and broader ccTLD community. Please make sure to submit your input latest on Wednesday, 15 March (23:59 UTC), ahead of the ccNSO Council meeting on 16 March.

READ MORE. You are invited to review the enclosed materials ahead of the ICANN76 governance session