The new ccNSO Onboarding and Mentoring Committee (OMC) seeks volunteers

06 September 2024

Dear All,

The ccNSO launches a call for a limited number of volunteers for the new ccNSO Onboarding and Mentoring Committee (OMC).  This call for volunteers closes Tuesday, 17 September 2024 at 23:59 UTC.

ABOUT OMC | Following a review of the former ccNSO Outreach & Involvement Standing Committee (OISC) in 2023, the ccNSO Council agreed to establish the ccNSO Onboarding and Mentoring Committee (OMC), with a narrow focus on processes and procedures related to the onboarding and mentoring of newcomers to the ccNSO.

OBJECTVE | The objective of the OMC is to:

  • Develop an ongoing program for on-boarding and mentoring of (potential) newcomers to the ccNSO.
  • Oversee and execute the on-boarding and mentoring programs
  • Increase awareness of the ccNSO with other programs for newcomers, for example the ICANN's fellowship program and coordinate on-boarding and mentoring efforts with other Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees.
  • Maintain and when deemed necessary develop additional ccNSO learning material

COMPOSITION | The OMC charter mentions the following: "The OMC shall have minimum four (4) and maximum eight (8) members. Membership of the OMC is open to representatives of ccTLD managers (members and non-members of the ccNSO alike). At least three (3) of the members on the Committee should be members of the ccNSO Council, including one NomCom appointed Councillor. The ccNSO Council will appoint the members of the committee. In appointing members, the Council should consider the need for a diverse Committee membership, including regional diversity."

TERM | The term for the members is for two years, or in the case of Councillors, for the remainder of their term on the Council.

HOW TO APPLY | If you are interested in joining the ccNSO OMC, please submit your application by Tuesday, 17 September 2024 (23:59 UTC). To apply, complete the form here
You will be asked to provide your full name and contact details, your ccTLD affiliation, and a brief statement outlining your qualifications and motivation for joining the OMC.

NEXT STEPS | Members shall be appointed by the ccNSO Council after closure of the call for volunteers. Additionally, all members and participants to this working group will have to complete a Statement of Interest (SOI). Fill out the form here:

If you have questions, please contact us at