Update & Next Steps: ccNSO Council Election FY2018

03 December 2017

In accordance to the applicable rules, the following candidates were nominated, seconded and have accepted their Nomination for the council election:

Africa: Abdalla Omari
Asia-Pacific: Young-Eum Lee
Europe: Katrina Sataki
Latin America/Caribbean: Margarita Valdes
North America: Byron Holland

As per region only one candidate was nominated and seconded within the nomination period, no elections needed to be held. All nominated and seconded candidates accepted their nomination.

Next Steps

The elected Councillors will take their seat at the end of the ICANN61 face-to-face Council meeting.
The report by the Election Manager regarding the 2018 Council Election has been submitted for discussion and adoption for the upcoming ccNSO Council Meeting scheduled for 7 December. The Council Election process 2017 will formally close 7 days after adoption and publication of this report.
