Member Profile: .uk

Full Name of Registry: Nominet

Contact details (address, phone, fax):

Minerva House
Edmund Halley Road
Oxford Science Park

Tel: +44-1865-332211

Fax: +44-1865-332299

General enquiries:

Founding date: 1996

Registration Model (Registry/Registrar system; Direct registrations; Both): Registry/registrar system

Number of domain names: 9.4 m as at June 2011. Current statistics at:

History: Nominet was established in 1996 as a private not-for-profit, limited by guarantee company. Our vision is of a world where the Internet is a trusted space, which everyone can be part of and has a positive impact on people's lives. Our mission is to make a positive difference to UK Internet users and to shape the development of the Internet. We do this by delivering excellence and innovation in our products and services, driven by the needs of our stakeholders, and creating a company where our people love coming to work.

Annual Reports