Member Profile: .ml

Full Name of Registry: SOTELMA

Contact details (address, phone, fax, general enquiries):

Tel: +223 6675 25 56 / +223 6670 20 40

Fax: +223 2021 30 22
Email: /

Founding date: 1997

Registration Model (Registry/Registrar system; Direct registrations; Both): Both

Number of domain names: 345

History: After full connexion of Mali to Internet in 1996, society of Telecommunication of Mali (SOTELMA) take action for technical management of .ML
With first actors (ISP and USAID) the document of registration's rules was written.
Mangers of ccTLD participe as possible in all events of Internet Governance.
In 1999 the technical and administrative contacts was change but in the organization SOTELMA.