Member Profile: .co

Full Name of Registry: Ministerio de Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones - MinTIC

Contact details (address, phone, fax, general enquiries): Edificio Murillo Toro Cra. 8a entre calles 12A y 12B, Bogotá, Colombia

Post Code: 100190

Phone: 01-800-0914014

Fax: +57(1) 344 34 60

Founding date: 1991

Registration Model (Registry/Registrar system; Direct registrations; Both):Both

Number of domain names: 2.800.000 (08/10/2020)

History: The history of the .CO domain dates back to 1991, when the University of Los Andes received from the IANA the delegation to operate the ccTLD .CO  Internet domain.

In 2001, the State Council issued a concept on the recognition of the .CO domain as a public interest resource and the dispositions for the use of the asset with its respective administration.

In that order, in 2009, the Ministry of Communications would proceed to develop a Public Bidding process No. 002 of 2009, in order to "brings up the promotion, administration, technical operation and maintenance of the .CO domain under the country code corresponding to Colombia .CO." As a result of this tender, the Contract 0019 of 2009 was signed between the Ministry of Communications (Nowadays known as MinTIC) and .CO Internet SAS for the maintenance of the domain  for ten years ahead.

In 2020, the ICANN Board approves the transfer of the .CO domain to the MinTIC. It is the first time in the history of the .CO Domain that the Ministry has become the direct manager of the ccTLD domain (as reflected on the IANA webpage)