Thank you for your interest in joining the country code Name Supporting Organisation (ccNSO). Membership of the ccNSO is open to ccTLD managers responsible for managing an ISO 3166-1 country code top-level domain, as well as interested IDN ccTLD managers. A ccTLD manager is the organization or entity responsible for managing a ccTLD and listed as such in the IANA Root Zone Database.
How to join the ccNSO?
- STEP1: Fill in the online application form.
- STEP2: The ccNSO Secretariat will confirm receipt of your application
- STEP3: The ccNSO Secretariat will keep you informed of the next steps, which involve some checks by IANA, and an approval of the membership application by the ccNSO Council.
- STEP4: If the checks are completed successfully, and the ccNSO Council has approved your membership application, you will receive a confirmation e-mail by the ccNSO Secretariat, and the Chair of the ccNSO Council will formally welcome you as a member on the ccNSO Members mailing list.
Any questions? Do not hesitate to contact the ccNSO Secretariat (