Full Name of Registry: NIC-Panama (Universidad Tecnologica de Panama, Panamanian Academic National Network)
Contact details (address, phone, fax):
Universidad Tecnologica de Panama
Campus Victor Levi S.
Avenida Universidad Tecnologica de Panama PANNet Panama 0819-07289 Panama
Tel: +507-560-3309
Fax: +507-223-2388
General enquiries: nic@nic.pa
Founding date: 1994
Registration Model (Registry/Registrar system; Direct registrations; Both): Direct registrations
Number of domain names: 5,000 (situation end of May 2009)
History: Nic-Panama (ccTLD .pa) is administered by the Panamanian Academic National Network (PANNet) of the Technological University of Panama for delegation of ICANN and was established in August 17, 1994. Our vision is to administer the Panama Top Level .pa, effective, customer-oriented and sustainable way, impelling the development of the Internet in Panama in benefit of the Internet world community.