Member Profile: .ge

Full Name of Registry: Caucasus Online LLC

Contact details (address, phone, fax, general enquiries):

Address: 160 Tsinamdzgvrishvili Str. Tbilisi 0112, Georgia

Phone: +995 032 2 00 00 22


Web page:

Founding date: 1992

Registration Model (Registry/Registrar system; Direct registrations; Both): Registry/Registrar system

Number of domain names: More than 56700 (February 2023). Current statistics at:

History: In 1992, SaNet, a telecommunications company based in Georgia, assumed responsibility as the registry for the .GE ccTLD. In 2006, SaNet merged with other major Georgian ISPs: Caucasus Network, Georgia Online and Telenet to create Caucasus Online. Caucasus Online is the leading telecommunications company in the region. Since 2008 Caucasus Online has been the sole owner of a 1,200km submarine fiber-optic cable constructed by Tyco Electronics (today known as TE Subcom), through which it transits Internet traffic from Europe to south Caucasus and Caspian Region. The FOC was laid on the bottom of the Black Sea to provide a direct, high-quality fiber-optic Internet connection from Europe.

Until 2018, Caucasus Online served as both the registry and registrar for .GE domains. However, in April of that year, a reform was implemented and Caucasus Online transitioned from direct registrations model to a Registry/Registrar model.