Thank you for your interest in joining the country code Name Supporting Organisation (ccNSO). Membership of the ccNSO is open to ccTLD managers responsible for managing an ISO 3166-1 country code top-level domain, as well as interested IDN ccTLD managers. A ccTLD manager is the organization or entity responsible for managing a ccTLD and listed as such in the IANA Root Zone Database.
How to join the ccNSO?
- STEP1 | To facilitate your participation in the ccNSO representing your ccTLD, we will require an ICANN Account, which is the ccNSO's and ICANN's platform to manage participation. If you already have an ICANN Account (e.g. for registering at ICANN meetings), please login to your ICANN Account using the email address that you use for your ccNSO work and verify that your profile is up to date. If you do not have an ICANN Account or are unsure, please create an ICANN Account at your earliest convenience.
- STEP 2 | Fill in the online application form to become member of the ccNSO.
- STEP2 | The ccNSO Secretariat will confirm receipt of your application
- STEP3 | The ccNSO Secretariat will keep you informed of the next steps, which involve some checks by IANA, and an approval of the membership application by the ccNSO Council.
- STEP4 | If the checks are completed successfully, and the ccNSO Council has approved your membership application, you will receive a confirmation e-mail by the ccNSO Secretariat, and the Chair of the ccNSO Council will formally welcome you as a member on the ccNSO Members mailing list.
To assist ccTLD Managers to become members of the ccNSO, the ccNSO Council adopted during its 211th meeting a generic template, with a letter of invitation for those ccTLD Managers who may need such a letter. Consult the template here.
Any questions? Do not hesitate to contact the ccNSO Secretariat (