Chris Disspain

Chris, was for 14 years a corporate lawyer in the U.K. and Australia, and has experience in all aspects of corporate law including public and private companies, international trading and negotiation, take over mergers and acquisitions compliance and capital raising.

For over 15 years he has held executive management positions and directorships in private and public companies in the U.K. and Australia. These companies have included those involved in mining, ecommerce and the Internet.

He was appointed CEO of auDA in October 2000. auDA is the self regulatory body governing the .au domain name space and managing the domain name system in Australia. Since he joined auDA it has become self-funding, introduced competition into the domain name market in .au (leading to significant price reductions), simplified the policy regime and introduced an industry code of practice. Chris is the Chair of the Country Code Name Supporting Organisation, a body that represents the interests of and sets global policy and best practice for country code top level domains within ICANN. He is also a Director of the Asia Pacific Top Level Domain Organisation which represents country codes in the Asia Pacific region.

Web Sites: auDA