Full Name of Registry: Sapphire Networks, .GI Registry
Contact details (address, phone, fax, general enquiries):
Suite 3.0.3
PO Box 797
Phone: +350 20047200
Fax: +350 200 47272
E-mail: info@sapphire.gi
E-mail: dmiloshevic@sapphire.gi
Founding date: 1995 under GibNet Limited.
Registration Model (Registry/Registrar system; Direct registrations; Both): Direct
Number of domain names: Confidential
History: .GI registry was set up under GibNet Limited in 1995, then the first ISP in Gibraltar. Initially due to the limitations of international link capacity and better DNS resolutions, parts of the DNS server system were outsourced to an ISP in Spain and then UK. GibNet joined the CENTR organisation in 2002. Later in 2002, GibNet has choosen Afilias Limited as a back-end registry service provider. In March 2003, .GI joined the ICANN ccNSO as one of the four founding European ccTLD members. In 2005 GibNet together with external investors, established Sapphire Networks as a fully licensed telecommunications operator, liberalising the market and offering true competition for the first time in Gibraltar. Sapphire incorporated all GibNet's operations and GibNet ceased trading.