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DRAFT Agenda – ccNSO July Council Meeting – 22 July 2021 Agenda, Announcement ccNSO, Council
Letter from ccNSO to ALAC regarding ICANN71 Correspondence ccNSO
Call for Expressions of Interest: Customer Standing Committee (CSC) Announcement ccNSO, Council
Election notice: proposed policy on the retirement of ccTLDs Announcement ccNSO, Council
CSC Overview Presentation ccNSO, Council
Outline ccNSO Activities Portfolio June 2021-June 2023 – (June 2021) Plan ccNSO, Working Groups / Teams
GANTT View ccNSO Activities Portfolio 2021-2023 – (June 2021) Plan ccNSO, Working Groups / Teams
Mindmap Overview ccNSO activities portfolio June 2021-June 2023 – (June 2021) Plan ccNSO, Working Groups / Teams
MEMBERS REPORT: Proposed Policy for the Retirement of ccTLDs ccNSO, Working Groups / Teams
MEMBERS REPORT: Proposed Policy for the Retirement of ccTLDs Announcement ccNSO