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DRAFT Agenda - ccNSO Council Meeting (198) – 21 September 2023 Announcement ccNSO, Council
Letter to Sally & Tripti - ICANN Strategy for WSIS + 20 Correspondence ccNSO, Council
FY25-26 ccNSO Activity Portfolio Plan ccNSO, Council
Call for Volunteers: Join the ccNSO Policy Gap Analysis Working Group (PGA WG) Announcement ccNSO, Council, Working Groups / Teams
Heads up: 3 July Webinar ccNSO Policy Gap Analysis Working Group (PGA WG) Announcement ccNSO, Council, Working Groups / Teams
ccNSO Call for Volunteers – Customer Standing Committee Announcement ccNSO, Council
Letter to Tripti on the ccPDP4 and Board Report Correspondence ccNSO, Council
Board Report ccNSO PDP4 (De-)Selection of IDNccTLDs Report ccNSO, Working Groups / Teams
Charter ccNSO Policy Gap Analysis Working Group (PGA WG) Charter ccNSO, Council, Working Groups / Teams
ICANN80 Has Now Ended. What Went Well? What Should Be Improved? We Seek Your Feedback! Announcement ccNSO, Council