DNS Abuse Standing Committee (DASC)


Documents, meeting recordings, and additional information of the Committee can be found on its wiki space


Since 2022, when the ccNSO DNS Abuse Standing Committee (DASC) was established, it has served as a forum for ccTLD managers to exchange information, share insights and discuss practices to mitigate DNS abuse. The role of the committee is to raise awareness, promote dialogue and showcase practices, not to develop or promote policy.

DASC library | The DASC has created a library to share DNS Abuse-relevant information. The DNS abuse library includes links to tools, articles, reports and more. You can do both searches and suggestions for content in the library. We invite you to have a look.

DNS Abuse Discussion List | The Committee has also launched a DNS abuse discussion email list, open to all persons associated with a ccTLD with an interest in DNS abuse. The list will be used to regularly inform you about new additions to the library, discussions, and relevant upcoming events for ccTLDs.


  • Simon Balthazar .tz
  • Olga Cavalli, NomCom appointed Councillor
  • Chris Disspain ccNSO Council
  • Adam Eisner .ca
  • Fernando España .us
  • Miguel Andrés Franco .co
  • Jordi Iparraguirre .eu
  • Ahmed Landi .ke
  • Diego Ernesto Luna Quevedo .co
  • Angela Matlapeng .bw
  • Ann-Cathrin Marcussen .no
  • David McAuley .cc
  • Bruce Tonkin .au – Vice Chair
  • Mary Uduma .ng
  • Nick Wenban-Smith .uk - Chair
  • Xuebiao Yuchi .cn
  • Barbara Pearse .nz

ccTLD DNS Abuse survey – 2024 edition

ccTLD DNS Abuse survey – 2022 edition

DASC Repository