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2nd Call for presentations: 3rd vTechDay at ICANN70 Announcement ccNSO
ccNSO to ICANN Legal regarding Bylaw changes to Article 10 and Annex B Correspondence ccNSO
Draft Agenda – ccNSO Council Meeting – 18 February Agenda, Announcement ccNSO, Council
ccNSO Council Minutes, 18 February Announcement, Minutes ccNSO, Council
February 2021 Council Resolutions Announcement ccNSO, Council
Save the date: pre-ICANN70 ccTLD News Sessions Announcement ccNSO
ccNSO SOPC Comments – FY22-26 draft Operating & Financial Plan / FY22 draft Operating Plan and Budget – 17 February 2021 Announcement, Plan ccNSO, Council, Finance
Proposed Policy for the Retirement of a ccTLD – Final Paper ccNSO, Working Groups / Teams
Terms of Reference: ccNSO Outreach & Involvement Standing Committee (OISC) Draft / Initial / Preliminary ccNSO
Call for presentations: 3rd vTechDay at ICANN70 Announcement ccNSO