
Type of Content
Title Date Sort ascending Classifications Entities
Response – ccNSO Council chair to NomCom – 20 December 2018 Correspondence ccNSO, Council
Letter - IFRT interim appointment Correspondence ccNSO, Council
Letter chair ccNSO – Board Directors IFRT Correspondence ccNSO, Council
Letter – NomCom Chair to ccNSO Council Chair / description, position and requirements – 20 November 2018 Correspondence ccNSO, Council
Letter from Roelof Meijer to ccNSO Council regarding Emoji Study Group – 23 October 2018 Correspondence ccNSO, Council
Trang Nguyen response to ccNSO Council Chair on IFR appointment Correspondence ccNSO, Council
ccNSO Council Chair to Trang Nguyen regarding IFR appointment Correspondence ccNSO, Council
Letter from Trang Nguyen to ccNSO Council regarding IFRT Correspondence ccNSO, Council
Letter from Stephen Deerhake, Chair of the PDP working group on retirement to the ccNSO Council regarding bylaw language – 13 January 2019 Correspondence ccNSO, Council
Letter from ccNSO Council to the GNSO Council regarding WT5 Correspondence ccNSO, Council, Council