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ccNSO Meeting Survey Los Angeles 2014

Q1 w

What session(s) did you like most, and why?

  • Answered: 18
  • Skipped: 1
ccTLD News Session: It is always great to know what other ccTLDs are doing to improve their operation.
10/23/2014 02:53 PM
ccTLD News Session :) Always interesting to hear, what others are doing/dealing with
10/23/2014 01:04 PM
The IANA Stewardship Transfer & ICANN Accountability sessions. The issue is of utmost importance now and put us up to date.
10/23/2014 08:07 AM
ccTLD News Session. Because we can hear from each other, update and know about each other
10/23/2014 01:58 AM
IANA transition and Internet Governance related sessions. the most hot topic of the year.
10/23/2014 12:20 AM
Iana transfer sessions
10/22/2014 03:56 PM
Internet governance, ICG
10/22/2014 02:47 PM
IANA transition, ICANN accountability & Internet Governance. Legal session also Most relevant for the business right now. Talking issue, and not Process
10/22/2014 07:18 AM
ccTLDs update. It gives information on how other ccTLDs are working which is beneficial for the improvement of the service, learning on how others wrok.
10/20/2014 02:38 PM
I found the sessions on the IANA Stewardship transfer & ICANN Accountability the most useful as it was very clear and gave a good insight into the issue and also the process.
10/20/2014 02:28 PM
Q2 w

Which three presentations did you like most?

  • Answered: 18
  • Skipped: 1
.pt - Very nice video that summarized their update. .ar - Clear and concise presentation. The discussion generated by the IANA Stewardship transfer and Accountability II - Moderated by Byron Holland
10/23/2014 02:53 PM
1.) Cyber-Dome: Defending DNS environment – the Israeli Experience 2.) Implementing a multiskateholder model at .pt – an overview 3.) ccTLDs and National Legislation
10/23/2014 01:04 PM
Overview of Internet Governance, Samantha Dickinson ICG WG Update, Martin Boyle ccTLDs and National Legislation, Patrick Myles - All these give me input on areas of interest to me
10/23/2014 08:07 AM
IDN Update ICG WG Update ccTLDs and National Legislation These're interested topics for us
10/23/2014 01:58 AM
10/23/2014 12:20 AM
All iana and internet governance
10/22/2014 03:56 PM
Internet Governance IANA stewardship ccTLD news session
10/22/2014 02:47 PM
IANA transition, ICANN accountability & Internet Governance
10/22/2014 07:18 AM
.pt,.ar, IANA Transition Panel
10/20/2014 02:38 PM
Q3 w

What session(s) did you like least, and why?

  • Answered: 15
  • Skipped: 4
Q4 w

What would you like to see changed at future meetings?

  • Answered: 15
  • Skipped: 4
Q5 w

What issues would you like to see on the ccNSO agenda in Marrakech?

  • Answered: 15
  • Skipped: 4
Q6 w

Who would you like to see as a presenter during the next ccNSO meeting in Marrakech?

  • Answered: 8
  • Skipped: 11

Would you be interested in joining the ccNSO Programme Working Group?

  • Answered: 17
  • Skipped: 2
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