The .kh and .bs ccTLD Managers join as newest members of the ccNSO

10 October 2019

The Council of the country code Names Supporting Organisation (ccNSO) approved the following ccTLD managers as the newest ccNSO members:

Telecommunication Regulator of Cambodia | .kh (Cambodia)
University of the Bahamas | .bs (Bahamas)

The ccNSO currently numbers 172 members. The ccNSO warmly welcomes .kh and .bs to its membership and looks forward to a fruitful collaboration.

About the ccNSO:

The ccNSO is the policy development body for a narrow range of global issues regarding country-code top level domains (ccTLDs) within the ICANN structure. Membership in the ccNSO is open to all ccTLD managers responsible for managing an ISO 3166-1 country-code top-level domain.

Consult the list of ccNSO members here: