Member Profile: .sk

Full Name of Registry: SK-NIC, a.s.

Contact details (address, phone, fax, general enquiries):

SK-NIC, a. s.
Namestie SNP 14
81106 Bratislava
Slovak Republic

Phone: +421 2 350 350 30

Fax: +421 2 350 350 39

General inquiries:

Founding date: 1993

Registration Model: Registry/Registrar system

Number of domain names: 187000 as of June 2009.


About SK-NIC, a. s.

SK-NIC, a. s., is the administrator of the top-level domain .sk. It is recognized since middle of 90-ties by the manager of the DNS route zone, the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority, as the delegated manager of .SK (changing its name from EUNET Slovakia to EuroWeb Slovakia in 1999 and to SK-NIC in 2006).

In 2006, SK-NIC, a.s. also entered into an agreement with the Slovak Government unique among country codes in Europe, voluntarily transferring some of the competences of domain administration to the State, and submitting to levels of service requirements and a policy-making committee comprising representatives of the internet community as well as the Government.

SK-NIC, a.s. is one of the most successful country-code Top Level Domain registry in Europe in open engagement of its community as resellers, with over 2300 accredited registrars (note: there are only 3 other ccTLDs reqistries in the European region with over 1000 registrars, and as an example there are only over 40 registrars in neighbouring Czech Republic or 300+ in Germany, largest registry domain-wide). It has also perfect 100% DNS availability since it has been managed by SK-NIC, a.s..

All staff and technology used by SK-NIC, a.s. is situated in Slovakia, where it operates with perfect 100% of DNS availability rate since it as a fully owned subsidiary of the global group CentralNic, listed on the London stock Exchange. CentralNic acquired SK-NIC, a.s. from a private Netherlands-based company in December 2017.