Member Profile: .se

Full Name of Registry: .SE (The Internet Infrastructure Foundation)

Contact details (address, phone, fax):

The Internet Foundation in Sweden
Hammarby Kaj 10D
PO Box 92073
SE 103 91 Stockholm

Tel: +46-8-4523500

Fax: +46-8-4523502

General enquiries:

Founding date: 1997

Registration Model (Registry/Registrar system; Direct registrations; Both): Registry/registrar system

Number of domain names: 879584 as at June 16th, 2009. Current statistics at:

History: .SE (The Internet Infrastructure Foundation) is a foundation and is managed on the basis of of its charter of foundation and its statutes. The Foundation was established in 1997, and is managed by a Board of Directors, whose decisions are executed by the executive management. Two visions cover our two different main areas, the domain name administration and the development of Internet.

Vision for the domain name administration: .SE is the obvious route to the Internet for everyone with a connection to Sweden. Everyone should have a unique, secure and personal Internet address.

Vision for the development of Internet: All Swedes dare to, know how, and want to use the Internet. .SE strive to bring about positive, long-term development and use of the Internet.

We have a passion for the Internet and for the work that lies behind the build-up of the Internet. We fight for a sustainably positive trend for and use of the Internet.

Annual Reports