Member Profile: .pt

Full Name of Registry: Association DNS.PT

Contact details (address, phone, fax, general enquiries):

Rua Latino Coelho, 13, 5 piso
1050-132 Lisboa – PORTUGAL


Telephone: +351 21 313 5737 (Every week-day, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.)

Fax: + 351 21 844 0157

Founding date: 2013

Registration Model (Registry/Registrar system; Direct registrations; Both): Both

Number of domain names: 1.056.000 up to September 2018. Current statistics at:

History: The Portuguese ccTLD, .PT, was run by the national NREN, FCCN. At the beginning of 2013, DNS.PT separated from FCCN when the latter was integrated into a Public Institute (FCT), and set up a nonprofit association for .PT management. The delegation made by IANA to FCCN in 1988 was transferred to this association. Thus, since May 9, 2013, the Portuguese registry is .PT, a private non-profit association, with the following members: FCT, IP – Foundation for Science and Technology, IP (FCT), Association of the Digital Economy (ACEPI), Portuguese Association for Consumer Protection (DECO)