Member Profile: .lu, Luxemborg

Full Name of Registry: DNS-LU, entity of Fondation RESTENA;
Réseau Téléinformatique de l'Education Nationale et de la Recherche

Contact details (address, phone, fax, general enquiries):
2, avenue de l'Université
LU-4365 Esch-sur-Alzette

Telephone: +352 42 44 091
Fax: +352 26 09 42 07

Founding date: 1992

Registration Model (Registry/Registrar system; Direct registrations; Both):
Registry/Registrar system and direct registrations

Number of domain names: 52.000 (may 2010)


1992 – The .lu country code top-level domain is born upon implementation of Luxembourg's first physical connection to the internet and the entrusting by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) of the responsibility for the top-level domain to the Ministry for National Education in favour of RESTENA.

2001 – A workgroup is set up by the government to update the .lu Domain Name Charter.

This task results in a relaxation of registration rules.

The Domain Name Charter is drawn up through close collaboration between the RESTENA Foundation and public and private stakeholders representing the community

2006 – The .lu domain name management system is reorganised and a network of accredited agents (registrars) is introduced.

2009 – 45 registrars are accredited under .lu. The 47,000 mark is passed for domain names registered. New version of the Domain Name Charter.

2010 – The new online platform is launched for 24-hour online domain name registration and management. Internationalised domain names (IDN) are introduced under .lu. The administrative contact no longer needs to be resident in Luxembourg. DNS-LU presents its new visual identity and the new website is launched. 50.000 domains registered beginning 2010.